Mean Girl

"I know they don't really choose who they represent"

It's a good thing that I can't binge watch this show – hell, I wouldn't even get up to pee – and I would miss so much of the echo and resonance it creates each episode.

Mmm…. often times the person complaining about someone else being an asshole IS the asshole.

Another great episode.

And….you don't need a fucking machine shop to make bullets.

TWD needs a banjo player (or other musician). Those people have no music at all.

And then there is poor Seth Gilligan, another good actor. We get glimpses of him every few weeks walking around in the crowd. My theory is they simply forgot to write him out.

Merrit Wever gets a few pages of decent dialogue and the chance to do some actual acting, compared to standing around as set dressing, and they kill her off.

Have you viewed the series?

No. It didn't.

shut up

Ha ha. Is **that** what butthurt means to you?

Hmm… what might be an interesting turn for Simpsons to take (or a nose dive into cancelation, finally) is if were to be more of a serial rather than the "A" story and typically "filler" "B" story. Of course I have no idea what they could explore at this point which hasn't already been done to death but then that's why

ha ha, Opa!

"….mocking feminism and its obvious goal of relinquishing meritocracy and the way that teachers favour girls over boys;….[other hilarious butthurt remarks]"

"Quinn has a “SUDO” tattoo. (And yes, smarties, I had to look it up.)"

Where is the blood, Kratz, you buffoon?

Sure there is – it stands proudly next to Mound Rushmore.

Well, it's all puddin' now.
