
Exactly. Airheads created their Mystery Flavor this way, and I suspect Coke is following the same system.

Anyone that looks for health tips from the same woman who advocates shoving hot steam and porous jade eggs up their vajayjays is a raging moron. Gwennie is clearly the kind of Wealthy White Woman who thinks eating more than 250 calories a day is for gross fat pigs. If you can’t live solely on smug self-satisfaction

I look forward to the slew of Takeout stories of Subway customers finding blood and/or fingertips n their sandwiches.

EXACTLY. If you’re going to be the focus the next few Marvel films and TV shows, then it’s best to keep your nose clean and your ass covered. 

Easy fix: “I look different because I’m another time variant”.

Problem solved.

If I had let that orange orangutan flop around on top of me for 7 seconds of disappointment just to end up continuing his wretched bloodline, I’d be disassociating until my mind astral projected to the 5th dimension. 

No, no, Jewel’s mom - that money was meant for her. It was not meant for you!

So essentially, Ellie is like Blade but for mushroom zombies instead of vampires. 

Several hamsters on wheels. Turns out two of the hamsters died that day, which explains the snafu.

Once again Meghan tries be be retro, and once again she sucks at it.

They try so hard to be edgy and get attention that even Marilyn Manson winces in embarrassment for them.

The whole OH WE DRINK EACH OTHER’S BLOOD thing lost its shock value when Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton did that 20-ish years ago

Figures that this was all just a planned attention grab by Mr and Mrs Try-Hard

As you stated, it feels as if some asexuals were under the impression that non-asexuals are just horny people having sex 24/7, and therefore believe their lack of wanting to bang everything all the time means that puts them outside the norm, when that is the norm.

Seeing how it’s a GameStop, I can be sure with 99% certainty why she quit before even reading the article

*reads article*

Yep - called it. Long hours, low pay, treated like nothing by management, left to handle the whole store solo. What a surprise. KEEP BEING YOU, GAMESTOP!

So nice to see Miss Flo living her best life while Olivia Wilde continues to wallow in her mess with Harry No Style, Ted Lasso, and her magical vinaigrette.

Lizzo or Queen Latifah WERE RIGHT THERE, DISNEY!

The biggest mistake here was not hiring Queen Latifah or Lizzo as Ursula. They can sing much better than Melissa and would give all the sassiness needed for the role.

The second biggest is not hiring Jason Momoa as King Triton. Who else can rock a an epic beard and fantastic chest underwater?

If I were her, my response would have been, “You need me to make you a sandwich because you have no girlfriend to make it for you, and Mommy told you that you’re a Big Boy who should make it himself”

Good. I was so tired of these try-hards.

That’s Alex Tikas, one of the more popular gay male performers on OnlyFans.