Getting Reba McEntire to portray him again for this film would be epic payback to a misogynist like him.
Getting Reba McEntire to portray him again for this film would be epic payback to a misogynist like him.
I count myself lucky in that in all the years i’ve owned a PS3, PS4, and a PS4 Pro, that i’ve never gotten any of them bricked or screwed up after an update.
It’s Gordon’s job to come it and show those restaurants how to improve in quality of food, service, and cleanliness, but it’s not his job to keep holding their hand after he’s left. Many of these businesses backslide into their old habits and then fail. That’s on them, not Gordon.
This is it. The opportunity to get rid of 4 of the worst people on this planet in one blow.
Whoever pulls that off deserves a statue
“For the first few years I worked there, Sula wore a luchador mask to conceal his face, both in his staff photo and in public appearances tied to the publication. While not every critic approached the idea of discretion with such eccentricity, it was still common practice to lie low.”
Wearing a luchador mask in a…
I bet their only plan was STOCK MORE SHELVES WITH FUNKO POPS! and were too embarrassed to tell him.
There used to be a Subway near me that dispensed Pepsi in a way where the ratio of carbonation to syrup was skewed slightly more towards the syrup side, like 55/45 rather than 50/50. I LOVED IT.
So with some tinkering to skew the bubbles/syrup ratio for this one more in the bubbles’ favor, this could actually work.
Cauliflower is awesome when roasted, but I had an appetizer recently where it was turned into vegan boneless wings and it was great.
I will open up a can of Chef Boyardee’s Ravioli and just go to town on it with a fork. No shame.
When I was very, very young, I thought “corned beef” meant that it was tenderized by hitting the meat with corn over and over.
LOLOLOL. I’ve been putting unsweetened Mexican chocolate in my chili for years. It adds hints of dark chocolate, cinnamon, and almonds into my chili. If it works for my abuela’s dark mole, it’ll work for chili too.
I love Art Is Anal pizza! It’s great with a tossed salad on the side
She must have seen how Kanye is still carrying the torch for Kim, his childish memes about Kim’s new BF Pete Davidson, and just his creepy behavior in general, and decided NOPE
I recall trying the Arch Deluxe when it came out, and I rather liked it. It wasn’t “OK LET’S DUMP $300 MILLION INTO THIS” good, but I wouldn’t mind McDs bringing it back.
I wanted to like Anna’s acting, but it mostly consisted of making strange faces like she’s constipated or someone ripped a fart around her
Julia Garner is the best thing about Ozark, so i’ll be giving this a watch.
Wendy’s is slowly sinking like Burger King.
My local Wendy’s never opens the dining room, and the wait times in the Drive Thru is atrocious.
I’ve watched all three of the available episodes, and so far she comes off smelling like a rose in this. Pamela is not portrayed as a bitch, a bimbo, or a slut. She’s shown as a woman with friends, a career, hopes, and the desire to settle down and be a mom. There’s even a scene where she’s being interviewed by a…
“Sifu”? Moar liek SHIT FU, amirite?
This was doomed to fail, because Google appeared to put more money and work into the ad campaign rather than the product. It stumbled out of the gate and instead of focusing on fixing their fuck ups, decided that the solution was new, perplexing ad campaigns! GENIUS!