
I’m pretty sure we’re going to see more of Artemis and Icicle Jr

They were both in the comics as members of Injustice Unlimited and the Injustice Gang, and later became a couple.

I didn’t even think of that - great catch.

I think BW Sr. had to die, because he knows all their IDs and they can’t repeat the “put him in a coma” trick again.

It would have made more sense for Yolanda to say, “I have senses like a cat. Did you not think I couldn’t tell the difference between and your son by scent?”

HOLY SHIT - Mike saving the day with the truck!

DOUBLE HOLY SHIT - The Shade and Eclipso!

Axelay is an overlooked and underrated gem that needs more love. The music, graphics, gameplay, and design still hold up today. I’d push a bus full of nuns off a cliff for a sequel, or at least a remaster for the PS4.

I’m just glad that Katy finally exorcised the demon that formerly possessed Miley Cyrus.

I feel that it was all to set up her son as the new Fiddler. When her instrument and body are found at Courtney’s house, he’ll blame her and take up the mantle.

When I saw Mike playing with the drill, and Sportsmaster showing up, I had a feeling Mike was going to save Pat with it.

Even though I expected it, it was still petty damn awesome to have the kid save his dad by jamming the drill into Crock.

In the comics, he aided the team at least once, but that was in an alternate timeline where Ultra Humanite stole control of Johnny Thunder’s pen and used it to mind control 99% of the world. Once the threat was over, the JSA offered him a slot and told them to fuck off.

I grew up in Miami (Carol City, specifically) in the 80s and 90s, and I never encountered or heard of wild sex and drugs on the level of KIDS The closest was some guy caught selling weed and a girl caught getting spitroasted by two dudes in the girl’s bathroom.

I’ve been mixing Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios for years because they balance each other out.

I have a feeling that Henry Jr isn’t dead, and he comes back to beat his father and mindwipe the JSA’s secret IDs from the ISA.

Shit is getting REAL REAL, son.

I love that Cindy is still being a Mean Girl despite being holed up in the ISA’s dungeon.

I’m just here to say that I never really listened to the Decemberists, but Colin Meloy is fucking adorable and I want him to get me pregnant.

That is all.

Or Brainwave did some Manchurian Candidate style brainwashing on Justin, which he’ll trigger at the most convenient time.

The Wal-Mart near me has one entrance closed off and staff posted at the other to make sure everyone coming in is wearing a face covering, and turning away anyone not wearing one.

The Puritans were onto something. These people should be tasered, then put into stockades to be publicly taunted for their stupidity and selfishness. 

My take on Justin’s mental state: either Brainwave tried to screw with his head during that fight 10 years ago (and didn’t complete the job), or its an effect of the PTSD from that battle.

Lucifer’s 5th season starts in August.

Boy, these would sell much better if the damn writers actually responded to the inquiries of potential customers instead of letting us rot in the greys. I was going to buy two of these codes but i’m not dropping $60 unless I can get verification that i’m not going to be ripped off or give my CC info to a shady site.

Boy, these would sell much better if the damn writers actually responded to the inquiries of potential customers