
Raymondo, USA Football works alongside thousands of youth football leagues across the nation, including many PAL leagues. We are proud to be associated with the men and women who volunteer their time after work to teach this game to our children. Your experience is - unfortunately - not uncommon.

Not if you click the link and actually read what it says. Drew is wrong on this one.

That's why I said "including," so as not to have to list them all.

Drew just got owned

But why would Drew let something like facts get in his way of hating everything in life?

Drew just got served.

Drew, you are not part of the Heads Up Football program simply by completing the online course. There are numerous steps before you would reach that point, including:

But it is...

You mean like the man who flew to Detroit and tried to set off the bomb in his underwear?

As a former TSA officer, a prosthetic penis does not look like real flesh on the body scanner. It looks like you have a foreign item in your pants. It does not have the same contrast as flesh on the machine. It looks like a bomb would look if you shoved it in your pants. So! Whereas I certainly will not defend the

To say that there is nothing about being a woman that implies anything about genital configuration goes beyond disingenuous and into absurd. In the minds of the vast majority of everyone in the world, men have dicks, women have vaginas, and transsexuals have something "wrong" with them.

Yo, I hate security theatre as much as the next person and tend to opt out of those machines and get groped instead. But there was actually an underwear bomber — it's not totally crazy paranoia.

Im all for everyone being treated as equally as possible. Male, female, straight, gay, trans, or whatever other designation out there. But if I am a TSA agent that is supposed to look out for suspicious people then I would say a male disguised as a female is pretty damn suspicious. How do they know they are

oh my god fuck this "outrage." You look like a woman and you have an unknown cylindrical object hidden in your pants.
If you want to do away with the TSA then lets do it, but lets not pretend that there's a solution out there that gives trans people the exact same experience as non-trans people without endangering

Whole lot of false equivalencies here. Having a fucking reality TV show and making yourself Oprah's personal human interest piece is not the same as having some Seahawks PR intern write some shit and then sign Richard Sherman's name to it to send over to Sports Illustrated.

Who cares what the media thinks about it and/or how they react to it.

Brasspoucarello was a force.

Yup. If you want to know why a lot of NFL players go broke during and after their career, this is one of the main factors.

Please go do a belly dive onto concrete and readdress your conclusion.