
Yeah, they date back to Lee/Kirby.

I think "the Swayed" were the MCU version of the Alpha Primitives, who were the slave race that served the Inhumans in the comics.

You win a No-Prize.

This actually jives pretty well with what I always thought Pike was all about. We already knew he was respected on the Ark before he came to earth. Pike attacked the Grounders based on the context of trauma we didn't get to see but he was always more sympathetic than a creep like season one Kaine.

Fear of Ramsay is a hell of a drug.

More like Killjoys is a Dark Matter that takes itself too seriously, really,

Well, that baby is absolutely adorable.

It was far too mean-spirited and smug.

I get why people might be wary of Kane. Getting branded like that can be read a lot of different ways; an act of submission that makes him a traitor and the Arkers slaves.

Gareth: "What up, playa?"

"A History of Not-Josherosexuality" absolutely had me in tears. And then the parade!

I would totally watch Zombie High.

I'm stunned. No mention of "The 100" on any of these lists? There has to be a mistake somewhere…

I will argue that the Hyams-directed hour long firefight episode, "The White Light" topped any other series in terms of action save "Hardhome". It was epic.

Was anyone else weirded out that Wendy Stanzler also directed tonight's episode of Arrow?

"I hate your face, Bennett!"

Well, I thought it was funny…

Okay, this is absurd. The way our federal system is set up, you have to join the club if you want to have a say in it. It has nothing do to with bigotry. Alaska didn't vote in presidential elections for a century because it wasn't a STATE. Puerto Rico has voted on statehood before but there's never been a consensus.

I feel like this show killed accidentally every reviewers's cat; it can't catch a break! A+ episode easily.