Ray Tracer

This comment section is the only place I’ve ever seen Chloe hate. I actually thought she was universally liked. I actually love her. She seems very realistically troubled. I can relate to her whole situation with having an absent (not dead but you know) father and a tyrannical stepfather. The end of episode three hurt

The moment I saw her in that wheelchair, I wound up just yelling “FUCK YOU, I JUST WANT THE BOTH OF THEM TO BE FUCKING HAPPY FOR FUCKS SAKE” at the monitor and spent the rest of the night in just a terrible mood. I can’t remember the last time a game got that instant and that emotional of a reaction out of me and I

I can’t laugh at this because I honestly feel it’s plausible...

Now playing

Beyond Good and Evil was one of my favourite games I’ve ever played. And I’m certain a sequal could improve a lot of the first games mix of open world/sneaking and platform gameplay. But alas it was never meant to be.

The Joker was more of a class act, the tattoos make him look like one of the boneheads from the future joker gang in batman beyond.

The tattoos are absolutely 100% the worst part. The rest could be fine, but the tattoos are absolutely fucking awful.

I hope he wears a purple suit most of the time. Those tattoos don’t bother me (except for the forehead one) but I want Joker to wear his iconic outfit. Maybe use some laughing gas this time around.

That “Damaged” tattoo on his forehead... Jesus... What were they thinking?

Please, any other Joker than this.

I don’t hate it. In fact, I kind of like it. Its also worth pointing out that is is the very first image. Chnaces are aspects will change or grow on people. Many people had a negative reaction to the very first picture of Ledger as the Joker. You know, when they weren’t making homophobic cowboy jokes. My point is its

Said it somewhere else to but fuck the haters, I’m excited.

Since I don’t want to respond to both people separately, this is about Watchman and MoS.

Haha yes, the Preemptive Crush is totally a personality type— “must establish my manly dominance immediately!!” (Interestingly, the Preemptive Crushers have also done that to me, as well as the other men in the room; massive insecurities, no doubt.)


This customer is my rambling, over-clarifying soul-sibling!