but really none of that happened
but really none of that happened
looks slightly better than dust 514
I hate being told no
Yeah of course
So food, like the Jake suit, haha
90% of stocks are owned by the same 5 people who what do you mean by people? People don't buy and sell stocks anymore.
they are being used to kill people
Join red versus blue or eve university and you'll be fine
Buhahahaha ultimate troll tactic. They are doing this becuase they want democratic mode turned off. this broke the new voting system, haha genius
He already sued them for copyright infringement 2 years ago
mind blown
omg is it rawrly? now I want one xP
steel is about twice as heavy
it wouldn't run...
Most people who think they are liberal, aren't
you know crack used to be in Coca Cola ... right...?
wow look how obvious it is he's on crack in that video
Right, let's limit the toolbox, thus reduce drug use not increase it
Drug use damages the health of individuals and the safety of our communities
No, drug use damages the health of individuals, the policies you use to try to stop people is what hurt our communities.