
@wætherman: " ou make some good points. I just think that when you look at something like the Dell Vostro 3300 you get a lot more machine for the buck. Sure, it's 4lbs instead of 3lbs, and you don't get that fancy SSD, but for literally half the price you get double the RAM, double the hard-drive capacity, and double

@metronome49: Tech blog commenters seem to exist in some alternate reality where iTunes isn't massively popular.

@Cabs21: I hear this sort of argument from haters all the time and it just boggles my mind.

@spectralveil: Wireless antenna consume A LOT of power.

I am willing to donate one year's salary to any organization dedicated to explaining to the adolescents of the world what "fredom of speech" and "anti-trust" actually mean.