
@MazdaMania: "How much does a 3d HGTV + glasses + media player + media cost? Now how much does a iPad cost? "

@minibeardeath: Is it really so hard to believe that some people would prefer a 7-10'' screen to a 4' scrren?

@QLAB: "How bout the fact that its NEVER a good idea for a CEO to point out its companies short comings to its investors. "

@QLAB: What actual evidence do you have that several media outlets are all "manipulating the facts?"

@beenyweenies: "Finally, for those complaining that iPhone 4's release is skewing the numbers, this chart clearly shows that the slide started long before that:"

@magus-21: Except 29% of Blackberry owners want an iPhone versus only 21% who want an Android phone etc. etc.

@RawlsRorty: As to this: "The percent of "very satisfied" iPhone customers has fallen, from the 3GS's 82 percent to the iPhone 4's 72 percent. "


@KryptonZero: I would like to introduce you to the:

@bearproph: "As long as it doesn't lower the speed for other sites, I'm fine with companies paying so that theirs are faster. "

"Eric Schmidt's claimed that 200,000 Android phones are sold every day,"

@xd.Balls: LogMeiIn is free? Since when?

@AwesomeToe: "I don't really have a deep understanding of physics, so correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't the article confusing the heisenberg uncertainty principle with the observers effect? "

Given all this talk about Apple cloud services, what are the odds that Apple will integrate a "Drop Box" like service into MobileMe?

@MazdaMania: 58 million is one estimate of the number of netbooks that will be sold this year. 3 million is the number of ipads that were sold in its first 80 days.