RAW (Racist Against Whites)

Dear RNC:

I want to rant about what a total humiliation this result is for Republicans, but really, I’m just happy. This is important. It shows that even in Red states, voters want the last word. They may or may not ultimately vote to protect abortion rights in November, but it will be their choice, and it won’t be skewed by

republican 1: damn it! we lost the special election. how should we pivot to get more people on board with our party?

republican 2: cheat more!

republican 1: genius!

Republicans hate voting rights because so many of their positions are deeply unpopular & inhumane, and can only be enforced by gerrymandering, voter suppression and other dirty tricks. 

This is laughably lopsided. Just ask voters what they want, the one thing Republicans don’t want, having the people decide. 😀😀

Sure, because the Right-wing neeeever cancels anything *coughs in Bud Light*

To Live and Die in LA was insanely ahead of its time. We’re presented with an apparent hero in the Dirty Harry mold as a “cowboy cop” who isn’t afraid to break the rules if it means taking down the bad guys...and then he’s slowly revealed to be a reckless idiot who is the direct cause of many of his own problems. And

In my experience in entertainment and business, it means very little that someone’s nice to their peers (fellow performers, c-suite members, etc etc). It’s one thing when the people on the show poster have nice things to say about you; what “the help” has to say is a whole ‘nother.

‘It samples a good song.— Modern music criticism 101

Eh, would be more impactful if the song was any good

So glad I never bothered finding out who she was or anything about her

Awful man doesn’t like awful people he attracts.

A rocket ship to the sun would work, too

Republican Senators during Trump’s final impeachment trial: He is already out of office. If he did commit crimes, then that is a matter for the legal system. He is now a private citizen; therefore, I am voting to acquit.


Just think- if the political parties saw fit to fully vet their candidates, we could avoid incidents like this. I suggest we have the FBI work up a full report on both nominees, and release it to the American people unredacted. The mere threat of this would keep people like Trump from CONSIDERING running. 

After the indictment was announced I checked out Fox News and good lord: denial denial denial, along with all kinds of excuses, and blaming Biden and demonizing the DOJ and thrashing Jack Smith...you’d think Trump was the victim of a massive gov’t conspiracy...folks, it’s a different reality at Fox News - a very

Ding Dong Muthafucka! Ding Goddamn Dong! Times up!  Lock his trifling racist crooked ass up!

Get ready for a lot of explanations why he “can’t” go to prison. Is Elba available? How about Arthur Bremer? We need to consider every option in this case...