When honesty doesn’t work to support their position, the right falls back on lying. Same as it ever was.
When honesty doesn’t work to support their position, the right falls back on lying. Same as it ever was.
Stupid, hateful people gravitate to stupid, hateful things.
Because any testimony to a GOP Congress is going to be quickly buried by the wide-spanning idiotic other acts of that Congress and thus forgotten or relegated to the same level of joke as everything else that the GOP clowncar represents?
Also “the government has killed to keep this secret and personally harassed me.”
Short version:
Given how not freaked out his staff and colleagues were, wouldn’t be surprised if this is not a first/one-off occurrence — just the first one captured on camera.
From your lips to Mitch and Clarence Thomas’ cerebellar veins.
Stroke out you motherfucker.
They’re really telling on themselves, aren’t they?
You’d think these men would realize their disproportionate reactions to a fictional character is mass broadcast advertising for every insecurity and bout of jealousy they’ve ever had.
“Facts don’t care about your feelings” is such a funny personal motto for someone reacting this way to a movie about a toy.
So not an Ordell Robbie type ride with chicken and waffles afterwards? :)
Cube went from Amerikkka’s Most Wanted to the Far Right’s Most Coveted. Willie Nelson was right when he said, “Momma don’t let your babies grow up to be sellouts!”
1) Tucker is a White Supremist, I wonder if they talked about that.
I think of Austin Powers singing “Daddy Wasn’t There”
He’ll need to buy an eXtra amount of horses most likely.
How long till he gets sued for seXual harassment over holding meetings in the S3Xy conference room?
I think we can all just start agreeing he’s an idiot now. No conspiracy theories, no ‘grand plan.’ Just a fool and his money, quickly parting