RAW (Racist Against Whites)

To be fair, they have had a few articles on the uptick on anti-Asian violence. And also, it’s a largely Black focused news site. If it doesn’t involve Black folks, they often don’t focus on it (same way Jezebel generally focuses mostly on women and intersectional feminist issues (I would actually expect them to cover

It is important to note because not all minorities have our back, and that hate and racism isn’t limited to white people.

Great article on a wildly good movie

Agreed. Appeasing these scum is why we’re here now. If they got slapped down when they were being stupid, they’d stop.

Kacsmaryk will issue an injunction to stop the distribution of this drug nationwide”

Stop tolerating people who vote for Republicans. If you haven’t already. Move past “we don’t talk politics at Thanksgiving” and start telling your uncle he’s not welcome in your house. How politely do we intend to accept our own oppression.

1. Avatar and Top Gun never had a chance to win the Oscar for Best Picture, and if you are a pop culture writer who legitimately thought they did, you need to do some serious consideration of how you approach your field. There was no glimmer of hope ever.

Or maybe they just weren’t very good….

The money is the reward. These huge ass blockbusters will do just fine.

Yes, clearly the Oscars need to go to the most popular films. Just look at how The People’s Choice Awards kicks their asses in ratings every year.

If a person in these states threatens me with bodily harm (say, impalement, or maybe injection of a potentially harmful substance), am I justified using deadly force to defend myself? *Checks that Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Kentucky all indeed have effective Stand-Your-Ground laws.*

Even if fathers did have rights over fetuses, are you honestly arguing that those rights should include forcing someone else to endure pregnancy and childbirth? Really?

They don’t have the right to treat their spouses like livestock, spanky.

But they already have two kids. Not disagreeing it’s good she got her abortion, but she’s not going to be free of this asshole.

You’re absolutely right, and yet I can’t help simply being grateful that this woman was able to abort somehow, aftermath be damned. Imagine being tied to a fuckwad like this by having a kid with him. Odds on him using the kid to manipulate the mother ALL HER LIFE? 1000 to 1.

And ex-spouses.  And girlfriends.  And mistresses.  And and and......

Oh good, a whole new way for abusive husbands to punish their spouses.

I keep seeing this in comments (that it was a drug deal gone bad), but nothing in the news...

“Was not the first time that most of that group had been down there dealing with that cartel.”

Wrong question. What did MJ do to Chris Rock or better yet what did MJ do to you?  Who appointed you as the keeper of fact and punishment.