I want a Superstar season 2. And I want a Katya and Alaska team. Katlaska. Please please please.
I want a Superstar season 2. And I want a Katya and Alaska team. Katlaska. Please please please.
I actually liked it. I thought she was serving up eccentric sex occultist realness. Buuuuut I have weird taste.
I'd watch that. Just Bianca verbally clearcutting a forest of wilting dicks.
I liked Katya very obviously mouthing "OH MY FUCKING GOD"
I forgot Raja was ever on the bottom and then I remembered her basically making out with Carmen Carrera on stage.
Out of the three, Violet definitely deserved the win, although I like Pearl better as a person. I'm knee-jerk irritated that Violet won because she doesn't seem to need the money or exposure, but credit where credit is due, bitch can turn out a look. She really is both naturally gifted at aesthetics and has done a ton…
If the Rock is going to replace Kurt Russel in anything I'd rather an Escape from New York remake, because that at least has a lot of potential to adapt into a different and interesting remake where modern redesigns and a huge special effects budget could actually go to good use.
Any modern remake is going to be packed with glossy CG, action scenes so slick they lose necessary grit and dull, modernized designs.
This is terrible news.
The fact that it was specifically a female character (And like, the only female elder it seemed…) that got all flustered by having to kill children irritated me. It's an ancient plot device that's boring to me at this point, and I knew it was coming and hoped they'd surprise me and subvert it. But nope. You have a…
This won't surprise you at all but 5/6 were not conceived as Hellraiser films at all, and got hamfistedly branded and plugged with quick Pinhead cameos to try and get that dollar bill.
if it's the one I'm thinking of it's Die Monster Die and is very unfaithful. Boris Karloff, tho.
I'd love to see a good Hellraiser remake. The special effects are a bit dated and you could do some seriously crazy spooky-beautiful shit with CG. The cenobites always had a lot more potential that they were used for, and the core concept means you can change main characters around a lot.
I get that that's what they were going for but I think it ultimately fails because the proportions are still off from a grecoroman ideal, which I think is exacerbated by the fact that the mask and his hair make his head look even bigger.
I may catch some flack for this but I hated Immortan Joe. I really liked the rest of the movie too.
Yeah, boy Pearl looked hotter than usual and it was kind of distracting. His girl side makeup was a little softer this week too, so he was just generally sort of damn boy/girl.
True. They probably had the best routine but I think it was arguably the most complicated. But they were super smart to coordinate their looks like that. When they were dancing they looked like two different super hot couples flipping back and forth and it was kind of mesmerizing.
Katya and Violet tangoing was really weirdly hot on a lot of levels for me. Pearl was really entertaining this episode too. Pearl seems to have more fun and be relaxed with each episode and I really like her.
I was disappointed in Pamela's makeover. She didn't even do any contouring!