
oh yeah... and dont forget, focus on profit over reliability/quality.

@thatguy01: cant only partially blame UAW, real problems include:

thanks GM...get the Volt out for the movie, never mind people that can't afford gas or the desperate public has been begging for an realistic alt-fuel vehicle for the last couple years. who cares if it transmorgrifies into a pterodactyl or whatever... GET THE DAMN THING

i actually like these accessiories...its like wearing a huge sign that reads: "I make poor decisions based on my 8th grade education, also im probably on parole for DUI/meth/domestic abuse etc. Please avoid me if possible."

damn...and i was seriously thinkin about the c30 in a year or two...not very interested in my $ going to bejing.

dumb question but is there going to be a another bullrun tv show? saw most of the first season but haven't seen anything since...also who won the first season? god i hope it wasn't the two douchebags from new jersey in the oldmobile.

Seriously? another 2 hour Michael Bay CGI abortion/GM commercial? didn't we learn our lesson the first time?

" Hey Loggins...let Michael McDonald know his backups are a little throaty...back off the mic a skosh."

jokes, heh heh heh...i get jokes.

hey, at least somebody see's the potential of creating a real alternative to the same 100 yr old technology that people are stuck with. there are a lot of big brains going after the same thing and a lot of companies that dominated the auto industry better stop the talk and get with it sooner than later.

no worries..someone will invent the mega-battery, win the award, and immediately ship it to some third world country and charge an import tax on every car built with it...the american way!

so what he's really saying is," hey oil lobbyist, you're not contributing enough $$$ to my campaign the way you did to the Bush's...better pitch in soon before this electric hybrid thing puts a big dent in your future earnings!"

Volt = vaporware, when is the last time anyone looked to GM for cutting edge, future technology??? They need to stay relevent in the current energy panic climate because the world is watching...the alt-energy race has never been at such a extreme level....GM has been so backward thinking for so long that it's

good one...if Ford would sell their european versions here, i may change my tune, but i calls 'em like i see's 'em, for example the Chevy HHR....really GM??

Hummer Hybrid...hang on, im still trying to convince myself im not dreaming this. image 3 years ago, someone saying these two words together...i can't....ugh...brain hurts....

damn that thing is ugly...for those that have been dreaming of driving their matchbox cars as an adult.

well done mercedes. hey GM! wake the F up before your stock drops into oblivion, jackasses.

Quit dangling the goddam carrot GM!!!-just like the Tesla, you're all hype...i want these things in the showroom soon or im calling b.s. i saw the so called "Volt" at the alternative fuel conference in vegas about 2 weeks ago, parked (go figure) with a cover over the entire interior...i wasnt sure if it was because

great! now wheres the rabbit tdi? dont blow it VW, give us tdi wabbit already!