
No it's because when Zack was explaining the mother character to Louis c.k. He kept imitating Louie Anderson so they both decided just to go with it..:

Menstrual Justice is my new feminist punk band,.

How is she even alive, much less acting? Maybe she could be the Cryptkeeper in a rebooted Tales From the Crypt.

John Lewis is a national fucking treasure.

I say keep on roasting him. I'm enjoying this.

I’ve decided not to eat because I have to call to order food in a place where online ordering wasn’t available. That’s pretty lazy.

no one helped her to her feet.

a New York Jew with a copy of the Times tucked into her bag.

I love that Vogue considers Schumer’s totally unsurprising fondness for the New York Times to be a literary eccentricity requiring ethnographic contextualization:

Zero fucks to give Obama is the best Obama. Going to miss him so much.

half-fermented bezoar