The first thing a dictator does is go after the media.
The first thing a dictator does is go after the media.
Over the course of Donald Trump’s unprecedentedly awful presidential campaign, political journalists were made…
What I find interesting is just how entitled they feel to those jobs. They feel that they are their right and just due. In a democracy they then are able to go ahead and activate the levers of the state on their behalf against the very capitalism that they themselves have been whining about being synonymous with…
We’re supposed to care and to empathize with them. With racist shitbirds. Naw, I say fuck them. They are in love with the ones who keep them poor and ignorant and they actively cultivate and spread fear and hatred. And now they have complete control of this country.
Nobody being injured here? Are you a little black girl living in West Virginia?
Sooner or later, people are going to figure out that the South and IA, KAS, OK, TX, MT, etc are still really fucking racist. And yet, we care about the Iowa caucus, we care about what rural voters in WV think; every election we have to endure endless speculation about what those backwards fucks think. I do not care;…
It’s a forum to call them out and get them out of office. There’s actual action that can be had here for the better instead of letting them get away with it by keeping it local.
If you refer to a black person as an “ape” there is no way in HELL you are not being racist. I’m sorry. This is not a case of “you misread my comment thooo.” It’s blatant racism.
which is remarkably funny, because melania totally aped the first lady’s speech, in heels.
what an inbred looking sonofabitch.
Those teens can remain on my lawn.
Hey, Melania was only taking the job no American would do.
This was a gem of a story and gave me great joy, but next time please put a warning, or screen over that visage. Fuels the nightmares.
So that tiny little butthole mouth is genetic?
Dear god, his face. 11/10 would heckle.
Oh yes, the psychological warfare of having mean teenagers laugh at you would be devastating indeed. I approve wholeheartedly.
... with an assortment of gold crayons so he can draw on the tablecloth.
Daddy Trump wants his kids and son-in-law to get top security clearance. This is NOT a joke. They’re gonna run America like a Mob family business. I wonder how long it will be before they try to get clearance for Alex Jones.
I bet he has his chicken parm cut up for him before it gets to the table.
Neo-nazis are happy, rich whites are happy, MRAs are happy.