
methanol. not ethanol. methanol not ethanol. Repeat after me, methanol not ethanol. How hard is it to freaking read? One of them is made via fermentation and the other one actually encourages the planting of trees due to using woody biomass in the process.

You do know how methanol is made, right? Then you should know that what you said there makes no sense. Methanol can be made from carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hidrogen from the atmosphere (which is rather good for the environment) and also from biomass which is a carbon-neutral process and renewable. If a forest

Dependa on the car. My dad’s 30 yo car worked just fine on methanol. It does reduce the lifespan of engine oil and it will attack a bunch of polymers/elastomers, but tbh those shouldn’t come in contact with any kind of fuel. It is a very emissions-friendly fuel and also very good for countries with shitty gasoline

Not really, they run on both. Currently Ethanol is higher in usage due to the fact that sugar is cheap so making ethanol is cheaper than methanol.

But, why use this when methanol is cheaper to make, already available and Brazil has been using it for a long time?

well, to be honest, America doesn’t trust it’s people with freaking McDonalds apple pies. Or coffee, or toasters or microwaves. They have to put warnings on everything.

FWD car, no weight on the rear end. :D

Not really. You were just removing types of rock from the whole thing that’s floating on magma. It should be treated as a system. So the weight of the volume displaced by the whole system is larger than the weight of the system. Magma has a relative density of about 2.6 - 2.8 with only a few minerals from on top of

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Also remembered this stunt with a Dacia 1300:

Tried and tested. It jumps. And I think I got even more air than that @50mph on a raised crossing at about 4AM.

Not sure that can be called “floating”:

The Pacific Plate. Technically floating on magma.

The replica might be worth more than the original car. No Lucas parts. :D

It kind of does, but afaik it’s inspired from the original Mad Max movies.

Sooo. uhmm.. about the thread. It’s done.

I’ve had that picture as a desktop background for a few years. And I don’t even like street Evo’s.

So you’re basically saying that you need an ABD (all-blade drive).

From the website:

Indeed he did. Also, any person that has read his editorials can see that he’s not that buffoon from TV.
