
Even camp stink is more tolerable than con stink. At least you have a breeze :-P

So when did you get hired here?

Agreed. Their swimwear is the only ones that were sturdy and the ones I have held up nearly 4 years later. Now, I’m going to buy a few pieces for backup.

Most do. The general policy is the 5-2-1 Rule. 5 hours of sleep, 2 meals a day, 1 shower for each day. However, not everyone follows it and its not exactly enforceable.


I can get behind this.

Oh man I see the gif and hear it in the voice and everything. That’s not a bad thing.

All aboard the hype train!!!

I know right! All those little moments. He was so nuanced and it really sucked me in.

The acting was so good. John Goodman gave me the super heebies.

god that gif is hypnotic.

i thought it had been reworked. but seeing is side by side like that....damn.

I’ve never really played a Hitman game...this video makes me seriously consider buying it.

i know right! i know she biased (which she even admits) but its like now I can’t un-hear the stories. lol

I’ve been thinking about getting an IUD (which I keep calling an IED accidentally, the look on my SO’s face when I mentioned it the first time was priceless) because I can never remember to take a pill and condom prices seem to get higher and higher every time i go to buy them, but a friend of mine who works in a

My ‘dog’ cat plays fetch and meows at people who walk in the door. she’s real weird.

I was not prepared for this!! Gunna go home and cuddle my two munchkins whether they want it or not.

I can’t believe after reading this letter over before sending it in he didn’t go “well...shit” delete it, move out, and delete the hell out of her number.

Symmetra is fun lining up the top of side doorways that people can sneak through to get to an obj so they get roasted as they come through rather than lining the main pathway. Double Sym on Temple of Anubis with a bast/tor combo is pure cheat mode though.

Have you seen his Rita Repulsa cosplay?!?! Shit’s on point.