
I saw this in the reddit for XCOM and was like “nah, that can’t be right.” Well I’ll be damned if that sucker cut my loading times down to damn near 4 seconds including the freeze-up it creates.

Butts!! I won’t be able to play this when I get home without repeating these everytime one talks.

I brought two snipers, two specialist, and a ranger. Set my two snipers up and abused overwatch/pistols then used my two specilists to hack the shit out of everything to take control. Watched the enemies tear themselves apart. ranger was there for stabby clean ups.

I have to say, I am way more distracted by whats going on in the corners of those screencaps with the talking heads....

So Im reading this thread on my lunch break and I just laughed so hard at this comment that I had another teacher come into the room to check on me.

Haha I've gotten to a point where I don't even notice it anymore.

“We’re hemorraging subs. Please stop.”

I feel yah. #thestruggle

I’m not sure what they had for cubed but I was running some T10 HC and there was a Wiz full clearing the dungeon before any of us could get a hit in with a Woh’s getup and doing some knarly dmg in some of the higher GR runs. It was nuts.

I’m still seeing Wand of Woh builds doing ridiculous clears for Wiz.

I would by boxes of just “Warcraft Purple” and everything would be colored with them.

Side shave is the best /fist bump (/head bump?)

The only time I’m ok with powerleveling like that is after my HC characters has died for the third time because of a power surge... //grumbles about new england weather

Saw “Hand of Fate,” my immediate thought was of this instead. ....I still think I have this somewhere //goes hunting

“Baba Yetu Motherfuckers.” - I died.

Im embarassed to say that it took me a second watch to actually catch that. I’ll be in time out if you need me.

Christ, Who the hell has time to match their underwear. I tell my boyfriend he’s lucky my socks are clean and I remembered deodorant.

Now playing

Not jumping into drifts. But me and my boyfriend got some awesome air video with the drone of the ocean waves crashing against the coastline in MA.

Real talk. lol