
Barrett look like Wesley Snipes to me.

Christ, now all Im going to hear when I play HotS now is “Balloon give me strength.” and “My wife for hire.” Thanks guys.

You can also use them while hearthing and mounting...pegging people out as you gallop by is very satisfying

I play on US, ill add you when I get home from the grind.


If anyone needs him hit me up RathofKelly#1504 we can hit the AI and open him up. hes oddles of fun.

Yeah I pre-ordered it and have yet to boot it up thanks to Fallout lol

If anyone is looking to play as him, lemme know and we can party up! RathofKelly#1504

That’s because the entire region of the Boston area is exactly like that. I live about 20 min south and was like “hey this totally feels exactly like it should.” The setup of towns and roads are like: Boston- because fuck you.

Pretty much had the same thing happen except I ran away screaming SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT while it charged me....only to run into his buddy as I turned the corner.

The second they let me change it, that’s what you’ll find me under lol until then cow jokes always!

what what what?!?! it turns to cloth?!?! fucking hell.

Mine is an inside joke that no one remembers anymore about cows. combine that with being a girl playing video games...get get called cow a lot in both a username and name calling sense. 28 year old me also hates 16 year old me.

You’re not supposed to do that?? I grew up catholic and my mom/grandmother even did that lmao.

I won’t lie. I totally read it as I-Voh-Body and was like “I don’t get....oooooh”

I wish I could change mine. Made it based off a joke about cows...now my friends don’t play and I can’t even remember the funny story that went along with it and I’m left sad.

If thats wrong, I dont want to be right. Also Tomas the Tank Engine dragons. Mods are the best.

I really laughed waaaay too hard at this...mostly because it really should be there.

I remember this call out last year. You had people walking into main stage area from the other side of the convention center going “wtf is going on??” The volume on the calls was nutso.

I was waiting in the HotS line to try the new map and I literally held up the line because I was staring at the screen yelling DID HE REALLY JUST SAY THAT??!?!! Then muttering about I hope they lose to pufferfishes (because we all know how degrading it is to be killed by Murky)....it was very satisfying when they did