True story. Once they get the tech I feel like 3/4 of school admins look at it, hand it to teachers who hand it to kids, and say “learn things”. Tech is great, if given a direction and structure in which to use it.
I currently work in a school system as a tech specialist, and my graduate studies is a specialization in Instructional Technology to help teach teachers the technology, as well as integration into the curriculum. I find the problem with tech in the classrooms fall with people not knowing what to actually DO with it.…
Nothing is worse than Laurel!! You take that back!!
They should add a Bulletstorm like point system to go with it.
Same here. but then again that goes to show me that its probably not worth while for me because I’m listening to it in a work environment, with background noise, and was trying to hear it in such a way that I would actually use the service. Not for me I guess.
Dat eyebrow raise..... *swoon*
But I don't have a floppy drive!!
I have a confession to make....I never made it all the way through Doom. And I'm sorry to all my friends I scoffed at and gave side eye to when they said they never played or finished it.
i need to find more things to include this gif in.
True story. Mostly its a name I've had for yeeears (and well and truly thought wrath was spelt that way. I cry about it now) but can't bring myself to change or giveup. Attachment and such.
My actual name is in my username, I'd usually get a person every other match asking either why I had my name in my username (no reason, just cause) or do a "kelly, boy or girl?" kind of question. which would always bite me in the ass.
my username has my name actually in it, people usually got curious about it because so few people use their names. there would always be one that would say "Kelly....guy or girl?" and me being a sucker for punishment would always respond. lol
Maybe I just had bad luck with the game. They say the toxicity isn't the norm, but for the most part every game I played ended up with people shitting on me. Not because of how I played but rather the fact that I had tits; I could've had highest kill count in a match, but was "the worst". smh The second most people…
Dear god I miss Digimon so flipping much...
This was so good. I feel like if it was pushed into a feature length film though it would be show horned into a gigantic romantic "love knows no bounds" kind of movie. Which would give me a sadz because this is so brilliant.
I streamed on Twitch for a bit and stopped after a while because a lot of it became either I was wearing too much or too little rather than what I was playing and what my strategy was. The fact of the matter was the nine time out of ten I was wearing what I wore to my job in a school system. -.-
I've been obsessed with this game since Blizzcon last year when they announced and set up the demo. It offers a refreshing take with the shooter concept and doesn't take itself too seriously in terms of the artistic style. I can see the whole thing being played very comically and enjoyable (One team I was on, we…
I played it at PAX and overall was kinda washy about the whole thing. I think it was tainted by the fact that our "Team Coordinator" tried to talk over everything while the game was happening, in the middle of the team fight, pointing at abilities, while I had my headset on.