
Still, it has quirks that take some getting used to. For instance, in addition to standard balls, each match features a special ball, which sports unique powers. One, for instance, grants you low gravity while you’re holding it, allowing you the benefit of a higher jump. Another traps opponents in a spherical cage,

Has anyone ever taken a look at Dan’s story? It’s actually sad. Sagat killed his dad in a sanctioned fight (if I’m not mistaken). He goes to train with Gouken only to be turned away because his intentions are for revenge. That part actually doesn’t sit right with me. Why not correct his ways and teach him that revenge

It may be the best introductory montage to a Zack Snyder movie since, well, the Johnny Cash end-of-the-world blur that kicked off the filmmaker’s first feature and last visit to the zombie apocalypse, his Dawn Of The Dead remake.”

Say what one will about Watchmen, but I’ve never seen anyone, including people who hate

Is it weird that I’m really proud of Bautista? He’s had such a fascinating career. Yeah, he does the occasional action movie worthy of his athletic prowess, but then he gets cast in stuff like Blade Runner 2049, Dune, or the new Knives Out. He’s one of the few wrestlers-turned-actors who I feel loves the craft.

We recently played through every other Mario Party (including the one with a microphone!) and while the mini-games are awesome in this, the FOUR FUCKING MAPS kills it.

The anxieties of chasing stars, strategizing for coins and spaces are completely lost in this game.

Please give us more maps.

Because the black man who had the shield didn’t think he deserved it and gave it back, pretty sure they showed that specifically.

This. A zillion times this.

“like why the U.S. government happily handed the shield over to a white guy rather than the Black man who deserved it”

Nugent already has no taste so what else is new.

Hey have you thought about relaxing and not being weird about video games online?

I heard he got that puro stuff. Calls it Chet’s Mix.

Lay off the guy!

Hanks but no Hanks.

When he interacts with Sam and Bucky, I’m getting a vibe from John Walker that I’d describe as “stepdad trying way too hard to be friends to the kids not because he likes them, but for mom’s sake.” Especially in the police station.

I’m not sure how they’d translate this joke from the comics...

This is one of the cutest, most sincere stories I’ve read in the comments at Kotaku in a while. Thanks for sharing that moment in your life. 

I don’t really get the headline or the score for this ep.

David Krumholtz is also great in it!

“Do you know what would happen if my mother used fabric softener? I’d die.”

It’s a delight. Don’t forget Peter MacNichols and Christine Baranski as the perfectly demented camp leaders. And the unimpressed desk sergeant Gomez asks for help is Nathan Lane.

Wednesday transforming from the scowl to the glowing smile is straight up some of the best physical acting I’ve ever seen.