So he's NOT driving the car? Misleading title.
So he's NOT driving the car? Misleading title.
That literally looks like a giant bullet.
Don't knock a screen that size until you try it. I used to be a "4" screen is big enough" guy until I got the Galaxy Nexus last November, and honestly I would never go back. The deal breaker with this S3 is the hideous bezel they slapped on there, seems like a step backwards.
So how did he get busted?
Well, that's why I used the quotes, because it wouldn't use microwaves.
Maybe we will finally have "mircowaves" that freeze things now.
I promote this shit out of this comment
It's an illusion
I WAS gonna buy few Lamborghinis this Christmas, but since this slinky suit came up, I couldn't resist.
too bad your battery won't last that many cycles
Mine works fine, been playing a lot of GTA III and Modern Combat 3. These games are great on the 4.65" screen, even though the software buttons take a small part of that up.
If you lived there you wouldn't need a metrocard anymore, you could literally take the subway home.
You would be able to see cocaine inside an implant with an x-ray.
It's one thing to learn English, then it's another to learn American humor. I guess she learned both.
That's not how it's being used here, nice try though. YouTube is used by more than one person.
I think you mean UNPOPULAR.
Jews on Jews on Jews
Yes, I will work fine.
Better late than never, on the news that is...