
Only if they knew how cheap beer is at Walmart here in America...you can get 3 racks for about £20

He might as well make that an underground garage now.

She wasn't Bin Laden's girlfriend, and she's clearly an attention seeking, crazy bitch, and this is only giving her what she wants: Your attention.

I wonder how many slaves, out of the millions of ensalved Africans who died during the middle passage, would agree.

Those are top selling iOS games...

I guess Gizmodo didn't get invited to Apple's latest event, where they revolutionized plânking. Apple is doing amazing things never seen before, such as plânking on overpriced computers. Thus taking the artform to magical heights never seen before.

To say that thing looks like a MBP, is an insult to the MBP.

Why would anyone be ready to hand over $46k to someone they never even met?

1. Gameloft needs to use the Market, or Amazon Appstore

Peter Cushing died in 1994, not 1986.

I was wondering what was up with his Tweets, I saw this account earlier on me feed

The title doesn't...

Apple doesn't make their "retina" IPS display...

I'm pretty sure you had to stay still for a while so I doubt he just got up

ummmm a tsunami...?

IF the Xoom didn't "feel right", I guess the OG iPad didn't either, because they're nearly identical in size and weight. I might get rid of my iPad 2 for this tablet, but I don't want touch WIZ and I want a 3G option. If those two requirements aren't met, then Samsung can fuggedaboutit.

I found this to be funny, I got a few laughs out of it...

both have components from LG...

My iPad 2 had screen bleeding, AND my g2x gas screen bleeding...