This is one of the few things that weren't Zaslav's fault. It was the previous guy.
This is one of the few things that weren't Zaslav's fault. It was the previous guy.
I’d like to see them revive the New Gods movie. Not because I give a shit about the property, just because my old high school chum Tom King was co-writing it.
I gather the contest is on to see whether Zazlav or Musk can destroy their companies faster. Very different strategies, but you have to admire their competitive spirit.
It was an OK episode, and Dave was good in the sketches. The monologue was hit and miss though, certainly no masterclass. The whole section with ‘The Jews’ wasn’t offensive but it was not funny. It perked up considerably when he moved to Herschel Walker and Trump.
Are people just purposefully being pro-Chappelle just to troll, because the episode was fine. Not terrible, but not very good (like most of this season). It’s certainly not a B+.
The issue is that the claim Jewish people are in charge of Hollywood/banks/governments/the world/space lasers all comes from the same antisemitic root. It’s the same thing antisemites have said for two thousand years, usually right before they show up with torches. You can say “it’s demographics” as loudly as you…
My caboose! That's where I left my cocaine! Thank you for reminding me. And just in time too.
This man had the hubris to say this after appearing on Galaxy Quest with a murder’s row of comedic talent?
Mine is ‘Jingle all the Way’. This is apparently is a classic for some, and even though I was generally still uncritical of most movies I saw at the time, I was just outside the age bracket to not mindlessly appreciate it, and recognized how shitty it was.
Seriously, that movie sucks. Arnold’s son spends the whole…
Hocus Pocus is the ne plus ultra of this axiom. If you were literally a kid too dumb to know better, it’s a “classic!” To anyone above the age of 13, it was always garbage (just as all of the Santa Clause movies were.)
They’re the kind of movie that’s great when you’re 12 or looking at it through a nostalgia filter, but if you saw it when you were old enough to be the least bit critical you can’t stand it.
Maybe a controversial take but The Santa Clause 2 wasn’t very good either. Come to think of it, the original Santa Clause isn’t good.
The writing on these “hey. did you see this dumb thing somewhere better yet?” newsblurbs is so goddamned lazy. If you can’t take one decent shot at the Second Shittiest MAGA Jester in Entertainment (behind the distended corpse of Kid Rock)), then how/why did you get this gig again?
“The team at the North Pole, including star Tim Allen, was too high on their own supply of gingerbread and eggnog to recognize this movie in which Santa fights Jack Frost for control of the holiday season was on the naughty list.”
Wasn’t this the same crazy ex that was holding a sign up in public trying to shame Wade, that was also proven to be out of her goddamn most of the time...hence their split and his majority custody of the kids?
Is this the same Alex Jones lawyer she got to represent her?
It would have been a hell of a lot cooler if all of these powerful firms and individuals had decided not to prop this lunatic up after the other 2,000 crazy or dangerous things he said or did but before he totally embraced white supremacism and antisemitism. It’s hard to put the insane neo-Nazi nitwit back in the barn…
Kanye West doesn’t like black people.
The humiliating searches suck, but I feel like this bigger: “The stops yielded more than $1 million in cash and money orders from 25 passengers.”
I feel that in my bones. I've made some videos and been on some podcasts. Have I ever watched it? Nope, I intensely hate my own voice and nitpick anything I touch.
I feel for Paddy. I don’t want to see myself on video, nor hear my own voice.