
Were that amount went to EACH person he victimized over this bullshit.

You are correct, $150 million is way too low. But I’ve got good news, this is the first trial. He has another one in Connecticut and I believe more after that. $150 million is the floor, not the ceiling.

I often don’t really think too much about how much people are suing for, but in this case the punishment needs to fit the crime.  Money is the only thing this guy cares about and money is what he should be punished with cause it’s the only thing that will hurt him.  That said, $150 million is far too lenient a

I want nothing more than absolutely horrible things to happen to this vile piece of shit.  Dead children.  Period. 

I’d love it to be that deliberate but odds are he hired shit lawyers who were just that shit. Depp did the same in London for example.

I guarantee Trump made more in donations to the “Election Fraud Fund” between November 2020 and January 2021, peddling the exact same thing.

Always pay your legal bills!

“Accidentally” sent...

So that’s why I keep masturbating to it.

Yeah, this is definitely a “scary” movie that will find regular rotation at 10 year olds’ sleepovers like Hocus Pocus.

which looks like a porn parody minus the porn.

The saddest part is that the Spirit Halloween movie looks far better made than the new Monster’s movie, which looks like a porn parody minus the porn. 

I want a Gus prequel that focuses strictly on the Chicken restaurant aspect of things, how he went from a small little chicken shack to 14 locations? amazingly entertaining.

Maybe they found a DnD handbook in his personal bag that he was going to bring up on Fallon and initially thought it was the Quran, thus flagging him as suspicious.

How did the officer knowing Eddie Munster help him? Were tables involved?

Hard to believe there’s a more cringeworthy group called Wrecking Cru, than Marvel’s one.

World Class Wreckin’ Cru > Wrecking Crew

and a group of goons who appear to be classic Marvel villains The Wrecking Crew.

On the one hand yay! On the other nay. I want Dr Elliot Franklin aka the black Bruce Banner to appear in MCU, but not as a joke character. Collectively The Wrecking Crew are borderline idiots, but Thunderball has had some decent

I’m getting tired of this site’s anti-D-Man agenda!
