Rara Avis

Seriously , visually alone in IMAX with 26% more screen. It was shocking

I don’t need to go the bathroom during a movie.

To be fair, I do chug about a gallon of beer immediately before sitting down in any multiplex seat so I can’t really blame my bladder.

Just keep the cup for a regular soda, and use it when you can’t hold your bladder anymore.

Well, I certainly did Nazi that coming.

YES. I’ve been thinking about this scene a lot for many reasons.

I thought ‘Blade Runner 2049' was marvelous. I really did. There were flaws, of course. It’s not a perfect film by any stretch of the imagination, but neither is the first ‘Blade Runner,’ and that remains my favorite film of all time. As an audience member, I do not require that a film achieves perfection in order for

Hell, if you see the movie that scene is going to give you plenty to mull. It has a purpose beyond gigantic T&A.

The first one is one of my favorite movies, and I saw “2049" on opening day and thought it was fucking great...

It never occurred to me that I could say “least appealing actor” and people wouldn’t immediately know I meant Jared Leto.

Thanks. This is important to remember that I shouldn’t probably joke like that about places I’ve never been to.

Joe’s death was such an obvious call back to the original mimicking Roy’s death with snow instead of rain (he even saved Deckard just before it).

I thought of that aspect as well, and I’m honestly still mulling over whether it would’ve bothered me more if the only flesh peddling would’ve been of the bot/literal projection variety or if humans were still involved in prostitution.

I saw it last night, and while I think they could have cut some things, in general I am glad this was a long film. It gave the story lots of time to develop all of its ideas (there is actually more going on in this film, story-wise, than the first). Still, it definitely has that same pace as the original film, which

I saw through all of the LOTR movies (not concurrently), I can sit through this

Seriously, one of the things I liked about A.I was that they had a male sex worker bot instead of the ol’ cliche of only showing female sex bots.

In an era of television binge-watching, I find it so odd that audiences would prefer not to grapple with lengthy works of film.

You really don’t have to try to convince me it’s hell on Earth. I believe you ;P

Absolutely. And that question of how much of her action was free will, how much was programming, and whether a purely electronic “person” is more human than any of the real (human or replicant) characters was, for me, the best arc of all the characters.

You looking for a fight, mate?