Rara Avis

Surely the potted plant died.

Oh please why would individual women be afraid of openly speaking against a man widely seen as de facto running Hollywood along with mass parts of the media and thereby untouchable by everyone?

Thank you for such a thoughtful reply. I like to think I operate with the same attitude (essentially: ‘if you have something worthwhile to add, do so. Otherwise just take it in’), so you have assuaged some of my concerns there.

I have been commenting on Jezebel for 6+ years. Reading it from the beginning. Am Feminist. Am woman. Say stuff I think helps. Because I am GMT+8 I often miss the “peak comment” times and can’t participate as much as I would like. Yep. Still perpetually grey and unloved :D.

4. When a women dates a man more than three times her age.

Team Lindy.

But how will we know that we’re fat if they don’t tell us?? I mean, personally I have no self-awareness and always forget that I am fat until someone points it out.

Don’t know how this could be surprising to anyone who’s had the misfortune of clicking on broadly. It’s the “feeeemale” wing of a bro empire. Every article is about women enjoying sex, masturbating, more sex, interviews with prostitutes talking about how much they love fucking unattractive men, more sex. It’s content

The first time I ever really understood that gay men can hate women was when I actually looked at some fashion shows.

Lindy’s resilience, strength, and tremendous writing are aspirational.

As per usual, all of these people can go fuck themselves. Wow, insulting fat feminists! That sure is a burning hot take.

Nah. I hoped to find the secret sauce (other than rooting) that gets rid of preinstalled apps.

#TeamShanDo all the way. (Though I will absolutely not watch a Heathers reboot. But get yours, Shannen!) I have always loved her, no matter how true the rumors are of her being a total bitch to work with are. I stopped watching 90210 after she left and I stopped watching Charmed after she left.

Where is this “charisma”? I see Trump and I see a fat moron who doesn’t know how to run a business. I see a loser who has lost all his life and has gone into debt to project the image that he’s successful. Then I see a bunch of ignorant people who believed he was a success because he said he was. That’s not charisma,

Thank you for this. As the daughter & only child of a bipolar narcissist mom, I got to be the Hero/Lost Child/scapegoat, sometimes all in one day! This administration reminds me daily why we all need healthy boundaries.

THIS. We know Tillerson has been to Russia and done business there. I guarantee you they have kompromat on him.

i was not - i was thinking of Oliva Munn but it was what she said about Brett Ratner, not Weinstein.  I did not know about this Olivia Wilde story, so thank you for that. Now i have something to read instead of work :)


“So wonderful to be in Las Vegas yesterday and meet with people, from police to doctors to the victims themselves, who I will never forget!”

What Ivana said...