
Yep. Well, honestly, it needs to be remember that it isn’t the same thing at all. What’s removed in FGM is not equivalent removing the foreskin. It’s equivalent to emasculation — removal of all or at least part of the glans.

I just read about this story in the Washington Post, and whaddya know, the comment section is full of idiot menz shouting “WHY DOES THIS ONLY GET ATTENTION WHEN IT’S GIRLS? WHAT ABOUT THE FORESKIN?”

“Caitlyn also claims she believes Robert represented Simpson because he was jealous that Kris married Bruce. “I wonder if it was his way of saying to her what I think she was saying to him when she married me: a big f—k you,” 

Caitlyn sure does a smooth job maintaining the image she is an objective person who just wants to be a good human....and not continue doing anything possible to monetize her fame for personal gain.

Speaking of narcissistic, egocentric assholes, she really believes Kardashian defended Simpson as a way of getting back at his ex-wife? I think I’ll stick with the version where he believed his close friend couldn’t have done such a heinous thing until he was faced with enough proof to change his mind about it.

All the other media outlets only had interest in publishing that Caitlyn had gender reassignment surgery as if that’s all the book is. Kudos to you guys for reporting something different - which makes her look like an asshole (saying a dead man who cannot respond was jealous of you, ooookaaaay I guess) but we already

No wonder none of her stepkids want anything to do with her. It’s not about being trans, it’s about being such a petty little person that she’d use her memoir to smear a dead man while simultaneously making it all about how jealous said dead man supposedly was of Bruce Jenner.

You think she would’ve done it without consulting Congress first? Or anyone?

Thanks for this. In the midst of all the shit-losing, it was striking that we have absorbed so much of this that we only notice when it’s this incredibly tone deaf.

This girl gets so many free passes and kudos simply because she is attractive. She’s an unethical businesswoman advising an unethical president. He’s using her as a shield while he pulls of his anti-woman antics.

Honestly fuck whoever took a creepshot of them in a restaurant. Katie Holmes has been through enough for one fucking lifetime, let the woman enjoy a normal fucking relationship.

It’s cute. And smart that she’s picked up/been taught.

Aw she checks to see if she’s going to ruin her makeup first! sweeeeeet baby girl

He and his idol Ayn Rand have lots in common! Like that time they both utilized “government handouts” to prevent themselves and their families from going into poverty.

Isn’t that third pic two guys or do I need better glasses?

It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women

One really sick part about this whole thing is that this is how A LOT of white people talk when no one else is around. The Trump era has made people think this is OK to not only say while at home, but on national television. People need to be publicly shamed for saying shit like this.

I haven’t read the current United dress code policy but when my dad worked for them we all had to dress business casual, including children. We were not allowed to wear sweatpants or jeans. So while it’s true men don’t necessarily wear leggings, I’d say they fall under the sweatpants/athletic wear category.

Leggings ban?

Unless I see evidence that they were allowing male pass riders to board in flip flops and board shorts, I’m going to go with “overblown and misconstrued.”