
Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

I’m amazed at how many Democratic operatives refer to Kellyanne as a great friend.

I’m not in the mood for you today, mekki. We both know that the concerns of Black people are annoying to you, so why bother commenting.

And their entitled, still-racist kids are helping to wreck the place.

Seven decades of data say that isn’t what happens.

I hope Dani Mathers goes to jail. Vile creature. Let me make a joke of this woman who has done nothing to me.

Not to be a jerk, but why does he suck? Yes, he bangs models. All the models. And his nonprofit may have slipped into some shady business in the last few years. But he’s passionate about saving the world and does good movies. He also loves his mom, doesn’t that count for something?

Get off your fucking phone and say hi to the great Lily Tomlin! = I’m hanging out with an icon so you’ll have to acknowledge me!

Does Kathy think these stories make her sound good? She just sounds like a fucking asshole, over and over.

Are you saying that you don’t think a 7 year-old is able to put together sentences like “I didn’t sleep since yesterday. I am hungry. I don’t want to die.”

If it was some western mother sending tweets from her child’s perspective about waiting for Santa Clause or something else banal no one would bat an eye, but because people don’t want to comprehend the suffering this child is going through they’ll try and find any reason to dismiss the source.

Lofuckingl at a white woman who once called herself a “runaway slave master” while stealing from black culture in the most insulting way possible, praising someone else for being a progressive thinker. What does she know about being a progressive thinker?

I just read third party candidate as turd party candidate and atm it made sense.

He doesn’t deserve that name. It is the alias Trump used when he contacted Marla Maples during their affair

please everyone. no more snark or assholery regarding kanye. he’s a human being who deserves our care and compassion, regardless of your opinion on him, his wife, his lifestyle, or anything else.

A lot of reasons, but the TL;DR reasons are a) French history of aggression in the Middle East in North Africa, and b) longstanding social and political marginalization of ethnic and religious minorities that makes those populations easy pickings for those who wish to radicalize them.

honestly? because it’s a country that treats immigrants terribly. ISIS depends on western nations treating Muslims bad, because that’s how they recruit. Most Muslims would never, but after 10+ years of being spat upon, suddenly ISIS begins to look good. So ISIS preys on nations that treat Muslims bad, in order to spur

Does Christie ever do like ... his actual job of governing New Jersey?

well at the very least, he didn’t use the wrong email instead of the right email, so.