
I have always found issues of diet have always been an upper-middle class obsession. Everything from Atkins to this gluten-free vegan craze is usually the product of people who worry less about the money needed to purchase than the origin of their leafy green or their eggs. I grew up around mostly poor people and I

Not to start up the whole “safe spaces" discourse again, but as a women attending college, that's essentially what these exclusively-female spaces are. And it kind of pisses me off that some asshole can't get over the fact that sometimes we just want to be in a space without men, while still being in public.

or general sarcasm? heh.

This is actually a serious issue. The Dems have gone pretty damn far left in an attempt to pulling Bernie supporters (which has largely worked, between 73 and 90% support Hillary now depending on what polls you look at). But what a lot of the diehard ultra left seem to not realize is the message the Dems would have

OH sure. It’s real unless it applies these fools who are Bernie or Bust, then, it’s totally not the reason they’d rather have an orange dictator as president. Right. Sure. So convinced.

I love how you always pretend sexism isn’t real. It’s so charming in a gross, extraordinarily stupid way.

She’s soaring in the polls and her lead will increase to double digits after the debates.

I love how everyone has just forgotten his unrepentantly problematic handling of the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas case as the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

And Reagan was an FDR Democrat.

My heart is broken for every woman up there...

If we're lucky these Olympics will kill the IOC. Not that it won't be replaced with something equally corrupt, but still... there are dozens of locations that can host the Olympics right now, and they are ignored because either a country wants the prestige of the games to overshadow their lousy human rights records or

It's WW II Europe get over it...

Dear people, stop praising Ted Cruz, what he did was 100% self-serving. He is setting up his next campaign. He has no conscience. Thanks.

I would question the so-called morals of Republicans who defend “traditional marriage” so vociferously, given the way he selected his wife.

Nope. Put it in a museum if it’s such important artwork. It should not be at the school, period.

I don’t think the problem is supporting other candidates, it’s that this one stands no chance. DWS is highly popular in her district, and there is only minimal hunger for Sanders-esque policies there, based on how many people voted for him in the primaries. The amount of money that has been futilely thrown at Tim

Her stated opposition to them is that removing them without replacing them with a better system hurts the poor just as much, though. That’s an argument that is both true and not particularly regressive.

“It’s 2016, I shouldn’t have to come to work and see things like that. I just said, ‘That thing’s coming down today. I’m tired of it.’”

If he really wants to support a grass roots progressive movement...supporting long shot congressional candidates with millions of dollars is high on the list of stupid things to do.