
He thought it would be just bitchin’ to cut the brake lines on a school bus. Not even remotely joking about that. That’s after he stole from a liquor store and went on a vandalism spree. Dude is a fucking psychopath.

In the last fifty years. The Catholic Church - within the lifetime of most of its high ranking officials - was knowingly covering up child abuse and protecting the abusers. There are people alive today who were abused while the Church didn’t so much turn a blind eye, as whistle and keep a lookout. And the countries

Yes, a study from Middle East Quarterly, found on Middle East Forum, a website about American interests in the ME is the accurate impartial source we all need.

Lol “promoting American interests.”

You’re right, let’s just ignore how less than 30 years ago that honor killings were legal in christian countries.

Again, it seems to be a misogyny problem, which connects well with the misogyny in these countries. The article even points this out.

Someone else correctly pointed out that honor killings are common in India. So, according to your opinion, India is a Muslim country?

Hindu and Sikh followers have been known to kill female relatives for marrying outside of their caste.

Up to 1991 it was legal to honor kill your wife in heavily Christian Brazil. The bible even condones killing a woman for adultery.

The key seems to not be a specific religion but a belief that women are family property.

I would argue that it is a problem of inherently discriminatory cultures using religion to perpetuate their deeply misogynist views. Honor killings, of people of any gender, are a prevalent issue throughout south asia. When that is combined with certain archaic gender roles perpetuated through fundamentalist religion,

I’m not excusing the behavior of fundamentalists in any country. But to your example about American Christian churches, let’s see someone stand up and admit they are gay or are going to get an abortion and see what kind of violence ensues.

Honor killings are a cultural issue found throughout South Asia, even amongst non-muslim cultures in India. It’s too easy to just blame this on Islam.

Well, the italian criminal code considered a man killing his sister, wife, or daughter because she tarnished his “honor” a mitigating circumstance until the 1980s.

It’s important to remember that honour killings are more a cultural issue that a necessarily religious one. While they do happen in Middle Eastern countries, they are most prevalent in South Asian countries, like Pakistan and India, even amongst Hindis and other religious groups.

I can’t - off the top of my head - but the Catholic Church and their decades long cover up of institutional child abuse can't really thrown stones.

You mean, other than abortion clinic bombings, church shootings, forcing gay kids into conversion therapy that ends in suicides, and countless women forced to carry pregnancies that sometimes end in death to the mother? And before you tell me those aren’t “honor killings,” yes they are. All of these Fundamentalist