
I think what you mean to say is, we hear about it far more amongst Muslims than any other religion, because in the eyes of the west honour killings are a muslim issue. When was the last time, if ever, you heard about a Hindu woman who was killed for marrying outside her caste? Just because you don’t hear about it

I would argue that it is a problem of inherently discriminatory cultures using religion to perpetuate their deeply misogynist views. Honor killings, of people of any gender, are a prevalent issue throughout south asia. When that is combined with certain archaic gender roles perpetuated through fundamentalist religion,

Honor killings are a cultural issue found throughout South Asia, even amongst non-muslim cultures in India. It’s too easy to just blame this on Islam.

It’s important to remember that honour killings are more a cultural issue that a necessarily religious one. While they do happen in Middle Eastern countries, they are most prevalent in South Asian countries, like Pakistan and India, even amongst Hindis and other religious groups.