Mr. Spaceman

Nothing short of imprisonment and a nationwide lifetime ban from law enforcement eligibility would be enough. Someone given near-autonomous authority to legally end one’s life MUST be vetted to much higher standards of conduct; otherwise we shouldn’t trust ANY of them.

I now firmly find “The Rings of Power” to be the more interesting and entertaining show.  HotD needs more fantasy than just the occasional dragon IMO

To paraphrase Tim Minchin, just because an idea is lasting or tolerated does not mean it is worthy. Unless you think that the status quo ever has been and always shall be the best of all possible worlds.

I actually do a little comedy, now again,

This isn’t for you, Mr. Spaceman. It’s for the idiot hanging off your comment in the greys:

Hey...everyone? We really aren’t getting a very warm welcome with our protests in Church-Wellesley Village in Toronto. Just not much in the way of hate for the gays around here, despite our best efforts. Any suggestions for a more welcoming location, just for a change? What’s that? Why yes, I have heard of that

Yep. If you’re going to write or say something about what “We” want or what makes “our” work easier, or whatever, it’s always worth taking a step back and asking whether “we” or “our” is the right word, and if so, who is included in “we” and “our.”

What the fuck are you even talking about?

I feel like this is a good moment to ask you to examine your priors. The expectation you had was that a supposedly feminist website’s commentariat would hypocritically not care about the power imbalance between Ser Criston and his boss. But clearly, that’s not the case. Perhaps you could consider the possibility that

I am trying to wean off watching cop shows, which are propaganda to make police appear like decent everyday people. They are not. They are thugs with a badge, with zero accountability as this story and many others show.

Half the threads above analyze this power imbalance. So you didn’t have to wait long.

“How could you be so cruel as to pass a law that you know will hurt women and that you know will cause babies to be born in pain?” she said. “How is that humane? How is that saving anybody?”

The important thing to know about Republicans is that literally nothing they do is actually for the reasons they give. There is 100% always an ulterior motive that is unspoken.

The only way to read this is that you were looking for something to not like. 

Word. Bunch of losers whining about it being “woke” because there’s a POC elf. Who gives a shit, elves aren’t real.
Personally i wasn’t sure if the show was gonna work - the trailers did nothing for me, but I enjoyed both episodes and honestly I’d been ready to watch more tonight.

I consider myself a Tolkien fanboy and overall I am very impressed. A lot of the people with hate-boners for this show don’t really care about Tolkien they just want to be apart of a culture war.

Well, all I can say is I’m glad I’m not a Tolkien fanboy, so I can enjoy the show for what it is rather than grinding my teeth and tearing my clothes apart at every perceived slight of the author’s memory.

People using the “it’s biology” line to pretend biological sex is some single switch set to either male or female are the same fucking idiots who half a century ago would’ve been the ones telling you how “black people are stupider than whites, it’s biology”.

For what, stating facts? Why does that make you mad?

Jesus Christ, since this stupid, illogical, brainless, witless, wrongheaded, pointless, bad faith argument is rearing its ugly head once again: THE PHRASE “PEOPLE WHO MENSTRUATE” IS DOING THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF “REDUCING WOMEN DOWN TO THEIR BODILY FUNCTIONS.” TERFS ARE THE ONES TRYING TO MAKE POSSESSION OF A UTERUS A