Mr. Spaceman

“Nothing in this show is about her experience as a fat person.”

You are wrong about this. There were plenty of POC knocking about the royal courts of Medieval Europe, including that of England. They were commonly referred to as “Moors.” The most famous in England was probably Pedro de Negro, a Cavalryman and Musketeer who was in the court of Henry IIIV and his successors, but he

I know this is rhetorical, but do adult women and their rights even enter their minds in this equation? That’s the part that always surprises me, they’re so focused on saving the “babies” or “angels” that the women carrying those “angel babies” aren’t even acknowledged, as if they were an incubator or brood mare.

Yeah, no dragons either, so better leave those out. Pretty sure the army of the dead was from a different era of British history as well.

Soooo men are basically white women?

The Republicans being surprised their unpopular culture wars are unpopular is not shocking. What would be shocking is a Republican who exhibited an iota of self awareness and circumspection. All the polls for years have shown Roe was popular, but for the party where everything is “fake” that they don’t like, they

Next you’re going to tell me that Marlon Brando wasn’t the studio’s first choice for Vito, Coppola wasn’t their first choice to direct, the studio didn’t want it to be a period piece, and the novel had a subplot about vaginoplasty! 

You’ve clearly never worked in fast food!

I mean, OK, but I don’t see how that’s relevant. So Hall has no complaints about Bean’s conduct on set during their sex scenes. Great. But that has literally nothing to do with my original comment. Bean’s comment that I was responding to was about how he thinks intimacy coordinators ruin acting in sex scenes. Bean may

I wonder if he feels the same way about fight choreographers? If some other guy is swinging a sword at his head (even a fake movie one) would to prefer that it was a spontaneous thing or would he like it planned in advance with everyone aware of what is happening?

His complaint has the same energy as the “Oh, so now you can’t even talk to a woman‽‽” weirdos when #MeToo was first gaining traction.

Ok, but I really am curious how someone who hasn’t read the comic would react to this, since presumably that’s going to be the majority of viewers.

It’s pretty amusing how completely that concept has been turned on its head. The whole objective today seems to be selling out, as publicly as possible.

They are simply incorrect ... not that they care.

Folks gotta understand that we are going to have to go to war with white christian nationalists or be forced back into slavery. There is no middle ground anymore 

You really shouldn’t do publicity for these kind of car crash garbage crap, where some idiot mutilate each other while nobody believes any of what’s happening. And worst of all calling thar wrestling, you and I could meet in a barn with light bulbs, a roll of barbed wire, two home depot table and do the exact same

True. At this point, a flood of biblical proportions is needed to get rid of the GQP and their cult.

Wasn’t concern about lawyers & government dictating care (which, of course leads inevitably to death panels /s) one of the foundations of the GOP’s hysteria about the ACA?

That’s how the death panels start. You know, the ones conservatives keep worrying about.

I want the backlash against the anti-choice crowd to be epic. Like Blue Tsunami epic.