Mr. Spaceman

When you act disgracefully, disgustingly, and the very definition of entitled why are you surprised that people regard you that way? They should be ashamed for sure. They evidently didn’t show you enough disdain to make you realise what a colossal stick you have up your ass.

I’m not surprised to see you trying to stir shit here Skyler.

How stupid it is for mod creators to whine about having their work used in a way they have no control over, considering that the entire act of creating and distributing a game mod is literally using someone else’s work in a way they have no control over.


People used to call LotR unfilmable.

This is why cops, lawyers, judges and “experts” who do this stuff should be automatically guilty - AND get the sentences their victims suffered.  Jackson should spend the rest of his life in prison.

I’ll add to that: who, exactly, has been “cancelled”? Like name a name.

Anakin’s character arch has a clear sense to it, he’d lost his mentor, his wife, his order, and had been horrifically burned.

Also: man, Ninja Yoda SUCKED. Hated that these films gave him and Palpatine lightsaber fights. When I watched the original trilogy, I imagined that both light & dark masters had transcended the need to use lightsabers- that’s why they had knights/apprentices to do all the hack & slashing. Who needs a sword when you

Not really. The distribution system for comic books is singularly designed to prevent an influx of new customers. When I was 5-9 years old, a kid could find comics in convenience stores, supermarkets, etc... in other words, places where the foot traffic of their parents would naturally lead them. Today comic books are

As DC found out, every line-wide jumping on point is also a pretty convenient jumping off point.  

Then your j-school should be thrown in the trash. End of story.

Literally from the source I cited just below written by a professor of architectural history at Northeastern University and author of multiple books about the history of American homes.   

It’s called JAQing off.

The sole purpose is to make an assertion without the requirement to provide any evidence for it. You place the burden of proof on your interlocutor instead of on yourself, forcing them to confront arguments and evidence that don’t actually exist.

It’s disingenuous, chickenshit stuff.

(And no, for

Yeah that edgelord “just asking questions” nonsense is disingenuous, dangerous, and needs to go.

It’s Joe Rogan’s ENTIRE act. It’s an inch deep mile wide type stuff. Everyone wants to be an expert now without doing the work. And doing the work means going more than an inch deep on a subject. So she really isn’t interested in finding out about the multiple covid vaccines.  She just wants to sound smart by “asking

Or if you are saying “just asking questions” as a way to defend spreading shit opinions. In other words you asked a question you didnt even want an answer to, you were just trying to do a “GOTCHA”

You have to pose your question to the right person. Someone who starts out by saying “I don’t understand vaccines medically...” is definitely not the person to turn to for vaccine advice.

PSA: When you someone say something like this:

I know this is completely irrational, and it really goes against the very good advice of “never fuck crazy”, but god help me, I think I might be attracted to this completely batshit racist woman with bad hair and non-prescription glasses (to make her look smart).