I’m not aware of a single game that does that.
I’m not aware of a single game that does that.
I don’t disagree, but at least they gave him an actual face with notable features instead of the usual brown-haired guy with stubble whose every feature is like a character creator with every slider on “middle”. The thing that bugged me wasn’t so much that he was another white male protagonist (though yeah, it would…
YES. I’m begging some company to come out with a AAA game that focuses on third- or first-person platforming, with an involving story and beautiful graphics, that features precisely zero combat and killing.
Name one thing of any significance that would change if Die Hard were set in July instead of December, and you’ll have your answer.
It’s not just that; they also know that by delaying transition, a whole lot of these young people will be dead before they’re old enough to get the care they need. And because they are sick, twisted ghouls, they can then point to suicide rates that they are intentionally keeping high as evidence of “mental illness”…
The 3D fad failed so hard and so infamously that to this day virtually every major blockbuster released after Avatar is also in 3D.
The proof of this is the way mainstream media and the right wing react to every progressive slogan ever.
Anyone who thinks that “defund” means “close down” instead of “take away funds from and use that money somewhere else” is a fucking idiot who can’t be reached, like the dumb shits who thought “black lives matter” was a statement about black people being more important than white people. There are no slogans that they…
I mean, you also know it’s a grift because it’s a right-winger with a following.
If the Qs were bothered by or even capable of experiencing cognitive dissonance, they wouldn’t have become Qs in the first place.
That’s why when I hear Republicans going on about keeping bathrooms safe for women, all I hear is, “...because I would absolutely take advantage of the situation.”
That is exactly what they think. Right-wingers are wrong about everything, always. It’s disturbing how reliable that is.
It only needs a better slogan because the right wing and the mainstream media immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion and have not wasted an opportunity in the last three years to make bad-faith arguments against it. It doesn’t matter what the slogan is, the right wing and the mainstream media will do everything…
So, I’m not saying that Rowling is lying or exaggerating about those threats, but she’s definitely either lying or exaggerating about those threats, or else those threats are coming from people other than trans advocates and are not related to her unbelievably ignorant and shitty stance on trans issues.
lol I’ve been there.
Ragnarok was funny and Love and Thunder wasn’t. That’s the difference.
“(race/gender/orientation swapping/shifting allowed).”
Yes, I did. I wanted to know what the hell you were talking about and I still don’t get it. Have you just never seen a woman over the age of 35 before maybe?
I don’t understand why Democrats don’t focus on this more often: being “tough on crime” by refusing to revisit convictions can only lead to murderers getting away free. If they truly want to be “tough” on whomever perpetrated this murder, they would make for damn sure they got the right guy.
Yes. There is no limit to the mental gymnastics that conservatives will do to convince themselves that the world is what they want it to be. This is what makes them so susceptible to con men like literally every prominent Republican politician. All you have to do is tell them that what they want to be true is actually…