I also like to invent people to be mad at.
I also like to invent people to be mad at.
It obviously never wound up mattering much, since everyone eventually sold out anyway (and many/most already had then too), but I also remember the 90's anti-poser, anti-sellout ethos. It’s super hard to even explain that to today’s generation. Imagine today’s “influencers” in the 90s. You can’t do it.
“The evidence showed that Kueng genuinely thought that Mr. Floyd was suffering from excited delirium with a drug overdose, and Thao genuinely believed that the officers were dealing with a drug overdose with possible excited delirium”
I completely agree, but I still don’t believe in the death penalty. If it is going to be used, it should 100% only apply to cops, prison guards, judges, and elected officials. Also, anyone with an annual income in the top 1% of the country.
It’s insane that involvement in law enforcement results in lighter sentences, when cops/guards/etc who commit crimes should have their sentences doubled or tripled compared to what anyone else did. This guard is going to get a slap on the wrist when he should be shot dead and left to rot in the street.
How, though? What do you suppose they are reusing that would otherwise take up to two years to come up with?
That’s my concern. There’s no compromise possible with the extremists (they’ve already said as much), and they’re perilously close to having real power in the government. If it comes to violence (and I mean organized violence, as in a war), what’s the plan? How do you deal with the police who are already openly using …
KOTOR 2 was vastly more janky, and its additions felt tacked-on and unnecessary. It’s writing belonged in another franchise entirely - I’m not sure it’s the best idea to assign writing a Star Wars game to people who appear to openly despise the themes of Star Wars. In virtually every way, it was an inferior sequel.…
Except they scrapped the gameplay entirely, so really all they’re starting with is story and visual design, and they’re probably changing those too. That’s the problem. They probably convinced someone that it’s not completely from scratch, but for all intents and purposes it is.
The real problem here is that 99.9% of law enforcement in America are openly on their side, and a significant percentage of military service members are as well (though not as openly at this point). So who’s fighting the war? What are the battle lines? It’s frightening to consider.
It is actual brutality though. It’s consensual (usually, one hopes), but it’s still brutality. It’s sick, and so is anyone who participates in or watches it.
Imagine being the sort of person who wants to watch this stuff. Mind-boggling.
And people who oppose them are evil.
I didn’t like the final two seasons, but I really have no problem with anyone who did. It just seems so silly to me how angry it made some people.
Seems like you’re projecting a bit.
Who knows? The people who liked the final seasons probably don’t dare say so openly because of the reaction from the louder corners of the fandom.
All fandoms hate their own subject. They revere the idea they have in their heads of what their subject should be about, and then get psychotically crazy about anything that deviates from that. This is true of Game of Thrones, but it is also true (probably moreso) of Star Wars “fans”. No matter how toxic fans got over…
So, just throwing this out there - the reason that modern societies use government-sanctioned police forces and court systems to dispense justice is that without an impartial system of justice to support them, it is up to individuals to pursue justice on their own in whatever way seems best to them.
No, you don’t know of any officers that were killed by men running away, unless your actual story is that in more than one case men were firing a gun blindly over their shoulder and happened to somehow hit a cop.