How fucking hard is it to get an Australian voice actor to voice an aussie character?
How fucking hard is it to get an Australian voice actor to voice an aussie character?
Can’t you turn your car off when in the car wash so the car doesn’t freak out?
Dat Orange Switch.
If you want to make your own custom floating triforce you could probably knock something together pretty easily with one of those floating object executive toys which is probably what this guy did here.
If they wanted a challenge, they should have used GTA: SA.
RDR on PC, stop toying with a PC gamers heart.
“and areas will function as representations of online subcultures.”
To quote Cave Johnson.
Take that internet.
Looks pretty decent but i hope you can choose what to install, install everything bar the real ads and logos.
Here i am thinking i got ripped off by paying $82 for it on steam.
I saw the number 4 on the buoy in yesterdays banner and immediately thought someone out there will be thinking its an ARG.
They did this to the Ouya guys a few years back.
Awww... i mean i loved The Talos Principal but i was kinda hoping that they would announce Serious Sam 4 at this years E3.
Still holding out hope that one day this game will be available on Steam.
I am more concerned why they turned the passenger side airbag off, also what car lets you turn them off.
If it isn’t the worst game out there, it certainly the one that has done the most damage, what game nearly single-handedly destroyed the western video game industry?
Yarrrgh, looks like someone plundered the seven seas for this booty er... video clip.