Rapture Rising

Ahem... aren't you also forgetting Sonic Ether's Unbelievable shaders mod?

Oh rockstar i could kiss you, you glorious bastards.

Like sand through an hourglass, these are the days of our lives.

No, I do not pay any extra for unmetered content, its just a feature of my ISP because they run game servers and no i do not live in the USA.

The funny thing is that this is only going to get worse, Wolfenstein was a cross generation game which still constricted to last gen tech. Imagine at the end of this gen how big games are going to be? I am predicting about 100 - 150gb possibly more.

The horror... the horror.

The one thing i have never understood about that episode is that the homer monstrosity cost Powel Motors $82,000 but yet still managed to bankrupt the company, How badly must Powel Motors must have been if such a small amount sent him into bankruptcy?

I remember a couple of old games, first i think it was a point an click adventure where all i remember is being outside either a strip club or restaurant in an alley then being next to a tunnel. It's really strange that is all i remember of it but it has been bugging me for years because i want to replay it.

Wow, if they were to tweak the track textures to make it less glossy and more dry and empty out the stands, they could really pull this off as a video of the real track.

I suppose this could be a good place to post a rumour, After Rockstar last minute pulling out of a Playstation event in Arizona and rumours that it could be making an appearance at this years E3.

Hmmm, So it has.

Holy crap this is actually true, i heard a rumor about yesterday that the next Borderlands would be set on a moon, i thought it was bullshit but what do i know?

When the UK site has launched it might redirect you to the UK site automatically but there will probably be a link back to here so just bookmark it and it should take you here and not redirect. Sorry if this sounds confusing but this is what i do when gawker decides to send me back to the AU Kotaku.

There's a video like this of the Stig doing a lap of the Top Gear Test Track.

For my local EB games they used to (well i suppose they still do) lock their dumpsters but nothing of serious value was thrown away, maybe just some old marketing materials but never games or accessories, they always used to tell me that all old games and such got sent back to EB headquarters but i gathered it to be

Wait, i thought Peggle 2 was the least hyped Xbox One game.

If the PC version remains unaffected then why does steam say "Low violence version"

My favourites are Creme Fraiche, Medicinal Fried Chicken, More Crap and Raising the Bar.

I just like that San Andreas had a jetpack and no UFO's where V has UFO's and no jetpack.