
And how is being a dick to customer service reps going to make your game play any faster?

You have running water, a roof over your head, and food. Get over yourself, you selfish asshole.

Yeah, I used to work a retail job, and it was the same type of situation (albeit not nearly as aggressively awful as this sounds). I would assume that it isn't just an American thing (although we're amazingly self-centered in our consumerism), but holy shit, do people lose all sense of perspective when it comes to our

I never will understand why people are assholes to customer service/support. Your problem is literally not their fault. It has almost nothing to do with them outside of what little help/comfort they can give you.

This is exactly why I was getting mad at gamers during this whole DDoS attack against Sony and Microsoft. Yes, it sucked to not play games online for a couple days, but for crying out loud, it's such a first-world problem. We complained about "our holidays" being ruined or messed up, but we had no problem not thinking

If what LizardSquad said is true about the size of the attack, then frankly no amount of extra spending would have protected Sony anyway.

Think more on the lines of millions:

A maintenance troop once told me that it can cost $11K just to get an F-16 cranked up and taxi'd to the runway.

This is why wars cost so much. Surely a few hundred individually targeting laser cameras are not cheap.

Both your statements are invalid. Pushing a nuke around a "public" railroad system is just plain stupid. Freight trains get humped/switched in a yard and if you designate the entire train as a fixed-consist launch platform it become easy to identify. MX Rail Garrison gave up early on this notion and instead relied

Did you like...read the article? The railcars will look like normal refer cars. Satellites won't be able to see it until it's deploying. It's not a tactical solution, either. It doesn't need to get to any specific point to fire. It just needs to not be in a tunnel.

Well, the thing is, we can't knock out every mile of their railway. A break in the tracks won't stop this from operating, it'll just keep it operating on one side of the break. Once the launch is complete, its job is done, there won't be any reloading and firing again. This is not a tactical system.

And Medvedev had a seemingly cordial relationship with Obama. The fact that politicians can smile and wave at the cameras when the global press is watching them has nothing to do with how they actually behave in private.

I'd argue that the train doesn't need to be moving to fire the nuke......

Yeah, Putin was so "friendly" with Bush he invaded Georgia. Sheesh, leave the politics outta this one. The whole concept is brain-dead.

this has nothing to do with overtaking, vs not overtaking, anyone.

Let me ask this: would you pay $15 for an incredible, emotionally-packed, extremely well-executed two-hour movie that you enjoyed from start to finish?

Yeah they fixed gameplay, it plays like cod. You can leave now.

You mean the great gameplay? ;)

Really? I once fell in love with somebody because he explained the Banach-Tarski Paradox to me. True story!