
Reminder that big companies don’t care about you as a worker/labor of any kind unless you’re part of the executive class, drinking $500 wine among your fellow shills. If you have the “dream” of moving up in the world as a low-class worker when it’s been expressed time and time again that connections are valued more

This what you led with, though:

Denouncing an apartheid state is something most kids are taught in school. All kids are equal, and they should be treated with respect.

23 out of 24 people killed in the Israel/Palistine Crisis since 2000 have been Palestinians.

In general, getting older sucks. My back hurts, I need bifocals, my mortgage rate is ruinous, etc. One of the few upsides to being an old is that I’m blissfully out-of-touch with various shithead streamer shenanigans. What little I know is what shows up in Kotaku headlines, and I swear they always sound like

It’s a balancing act but writing critical articles is not the same as writing puff pieces or legitimizing someone who would otherwise not draw an audience. There’s a bit of a misconception that simply discussing someone’s misdeeds is the same as platforming them, but that’s just not true. Someone like xQc already has

Nobody writes about a streamer before they’ve being viewed by a bajillion people, and if you think not reporting on POS streamers is going to cause a bajillion kids/manchildren/basic-AFs to stop watching POS streamers - I don’t know what to tell you. You’re wrong. “Ignore it and it’ll go away” is a terrible thing to

Really hope that people will start to realise as more of these articles are written... The fact that this guy does stupid things online is such a small part of the issue... The fact that literally millions of people watch his videos and enable him to become wealthy and ‘influential, by encouraging this stupidity, is

Which camp filled with the refugees escaping their ethnic cleansing did big, tough IDF bomb today?

I mean, regardless of your thoughts on either side of the conflict, restreaming war footage at all is a bad look, and reacting to it for entertainment value pushes that low even lower. It’s not the reactions themselves, just the... like... total lack of respect for the death and destruction on display.

I fucking hate “reaction videos,” and have since their inception. Doing this for a war video adds a whole new layer of pathetic narcissism for clicks and attention.

On the internet, you have to pretend that you care about up to date geo-political/social issues, otherwise you become a social pariah.

He’s “reacting” to it like it’s some random tiktok video BS - as opposed to watching a mass genocide taking place. He is de-humanzing an atrocity against civilians, turning it into “entertainment” and being flippant about it.

Those are not mutually exclusive claims. He can still be a problem, as can our tolerance for these clowns.

It became

Narrator: Turns out we weren't better than this after all.

Every time I hear about a Twitch streamer it’s because they’re a piece of shit. Stop giving them free publicity by writing about them.

LITERALLY.STOP.YOU.AND.HAVE.MINUTE.PLUS. conversations over... how to push a button to climb a ladder. When compared to modern game design best practices, the Metal Gear series habitually does the exact opposite. So it’s often mystifying to me that people haven’t gone back and re-evaluated their stance on MGS.

This article felt a tad misleading.  They are just saying, from an internal control aspect, they bucket Mods and Cheats together.  Not that they are against Mod’s in general.