Raphael Jarvis Sloan

Who gets to determine the line between sexy and objectification (and idea which I don't find evil either because it is how we reproduce)? You? Her? I say it is the developers that get to decide that and then the consumer will vote with their wallets. I am begging for Anita to build a game from the ground up and sell

Japanese game development has been very slow to adjust to the new RPG paradigm. There is room from a high quality turn based grind heavy game and they yet to make an inspired one.

Can you explain why sexualization is inherently negative?

Diversity is fine and I play as female characters almost exclusively when RPG's allow you to do so. Do you know why that is? BECAUSE THEY ARE DIFFERENT FROM MEN! If they all become the same, explain to ME what would be the benefits of picking a character that is NOT your particular gender?

Unfortunately with websites like Kotaku promoting the shit she does, she'll be with us for quite some time and gaming will be fundamentally altered because of it (bye bye DoA and SC girls)...

Yes they should and once the fail those people should stop pretending they know what gamers want to play.

I understand it and I DONT AGREE with it and I think it is harmful to the type of games I like to play. I don't give a crap about anything she has to say because she has been demonstrated to be phony and an attention seeker to peddle her ideas. They just re did some of the females in MKX to meet her needs and the fact

I have slowly began reading stories on the kinja network because I was all but done with them when they choose to side with this women and her "opinion" on how games should be. I saw that they were doing less to glorify this women and actually talked about more of the shit I care about (previews of new releases,

Why doesn't SEGA want our money?

So that's it games will stay the same forever? That sucks, maybe it's time to give this hobby up if we can't get any more novel experiences =/...

Yeah, but I'm tired of wearing clothes I have owned since high school! I'm 27 damnit I need some new threads!!!!

Still love Halo, Still will buy the next one....I am a Robot :D

Amazing, but now I need to rush through 13-2...

I had no idea that the gaming community is full of such prudes. Between this and all the bitching and moaning about either the Kinect being able to see your package, or "hyper-sexualized" female characters as a bad thing (hint games are for escaping reality) it really just ticks me off.

It was a solid iteration of the classic card game. The nudity is vastly exaggerated because I played for years and never came across any.

More Tales of games! Id also like to see at the very least a spiritual sucessor to Legend of the Dragoon, complete with battle system!

I thought that the demo was pretty cool, leave it to the gaming community to ruin it and complain it sucks. This is why user reviews are useless, because there always plenty of negative nancys to post something bad.

I didn't hesitate to blast him!

Yusuke420 is a combo of my two favorite things, Yu Yu Hakusho and marijuana. It has been my gamertag for 7 years and with some luck I'll take it into next gen

So you are just a self centered twat then? This world works better when we all work together dim-wit...