Raphael Jarvis Sloan

Yep, it's a classic theme song for a classic game franchise!

My fiance and I and getting married in a court house next wed. on the 13th! I can't wait as we have already been together for four years in much the same way as husbands and wife.

Yeah I want this moment of my life back...ugh!

As seen by this post I don't mind not being anonymous. It would be great if everyone didn't have something to hide!

They are going for like 500 on amazon right now.

I don't worry about it! I just smoke every now and then and avoid the cops as best as I can. Once Colorado and Washington have success with their legislation (Maine and Florida might follow soon) we'll never have to speak to each other because I can enjoy in peace!

He did, so what?

Poppies and coca leaves have to undergo a chemical cocktail in order to change into their narcotic forms. Marijuana just grows like that, you grow a plant to maturity, cure it, and smoke, ingest, or vaporize it. Of course it doesn't look like your dirt weed from the 70's man, grow techniques, hydroponics, and strain

It was a halfhearted attempt at a joke, not serious in the least.

Actually another user just posted a story about how he was struggling with his lack of social skills until he started using the benefits of marijuana. Now he has a good paying job and a wonderful, enriched life! That's besides the point though, I'm just an advocate because I can't smoke due to my job. It doesn't mean

It because this has a direct reference to marijuana which is in a very tender moment in it's existence. We are close to legalization, once states see what kind of cash Colorado and Washington bring in from taxes and tourism, they'll follow the money. Until that time, we have to be careful not to let things that would

I don't care that his story was different and I really don't care about his "addiction". What I do care about is the movement toward legalization and articles like these without anything to balance them out hurt the cause. If they gave a chance to an advocate to speak toward the positives, then I'd have zero beef, but

Balance my friend, Balance!

Then if this is the case and there is no anti marijuana agenda, why is there no matching article speaking toward to positive aspects of the plant?


How could it destroy your life unless you let it? If it's because they were jailed because of a failed and ultimately useless drug war, then that is not the plants fault, but the government. If they failed school, it is because they didn't take the proper time to study and do the work required, has nothing to do with

Yeah, he's a hero for telling his story, but I'm a dumbass for telling mine? If he stands by his words, he should be willing to answer a simple question! I wasn't disrespectful in the least to his plight, I just don't agree with this obvious marijuana bashing.

Sounds like you need to be less uptight! They are your customers, you're there to serve them, not the other way around.

I'd rather they pick up on pro-marijuana stories on which I have yet to see any!

Of course there is, it paint a picture of addition when it has been widely accepted that marijuana has no chemical addictive properties. I just explained in my post that in my twelve years smoking, I have taken long breaks with zero ill effects. I also don't understand the purpose of this story, but the writer is too