Raphael Jarvis Sloan

Yeah but the black label is in color and if I'm going to build a PS1 collection it's going to have all the black labels I can find!

This is nice but I still want to track down a black label version of this game. Disk art back then was incredible!

Really? I thought the music genre was dead.

Now it appears that publishers will push it off a cliff.

I agree, RPG have lost a lot of that. There are still a few that I have played that give me hope though (Lost Odyseey, Eternal Sonata, Start Ocean, and a few others have gotten the scale and exploration right.)

I have played all of the main entries in the franchise, and it's my opinion that 5 is the best in the series. Co-op is a blast and getting to deal with Wesker was something I have wanted since the first game. Just because I'm not jumping because dogs are flying through random windows, doesn't make the new age of

People saying that they want Resident Evil to return to it's roots are looking through rose tinted glasses at the past. The older games were clunky, poorly paced, and badly executed. The only saving grace was that the cannon was decent and killing Zombies is always fun. Resident Evil 4 and 5 evolved the franchise from

I would love to have that rabbit!!!

I have never understood the amount of venom and vitriol that people in the gaming community can find about something. I have gripes, nit-picks, and pet peeves also, but it just seems to me that very few have the vocabulary or patience to express those issues. My mother used to say you can get more with sugar then you

This game defined my experience with Playstation and I'd love a sequel or HD remake!

The demo was awesome, it was so refreshing to play something different for a change. I am burnt out on FPS/shooter game to the point where I'm skipping Gears 3 and not buying another until Battlefield 3. Catherine was totally cool, the game play was easy to learn but presents a real challenge when you're being chased

Why did people buy the 3DS if they weren't going to play in 3D?

If the PS3 version has even more content, I don't know if I could finish it because I still haven't 100% completed Us Vesperia yet.

Because not having one makes your game more boring and lifeless?

I think you can strike a balance in raising children, it does have to be a beating just for simple mistakes that people make all the time. As for this particular situation, I used my step fathers card to sign up for Xbox Live when it was in it's infancy, it was only 60 bucks and instead of being an ass about it, he

@WiccanLion: Explain or just admit you're a fucking retard...

@SilentAssassn87: You can get the info from Console Info tab on the dashboard...

@RockyRan: Then WHY are YOU posting IN this THREAD?

I signed up and I can't wait to see what the new features are like...

@SigmundTheSeaMonster: Halo Reach is going to outsell them both, so how is it not the most anticipated?