I used to sing that song 10 years ago in voice lessons. Things have changed.
I used to sing that song 10 years ago in voice lessons. Things have changed.
Mob behavior aside, my brain just can’t comprehend that in 2018 they’re unironically calling people witches. They’re being ironic, right? Right?
Proud of their inbred IQs and morbid obesity, I guess...?
Guess their brown shirts are still in the laundry.
Projection, as always with the right-wing.
Why did these assholes call themselves “Proud Boys” anyway? It just sounds like something you say to a two year old who has just managed to poo in potty by themselves for the first time.
her slimy-ass lawyer making a ton of money
FEC fines for making an undisclosed campaign contributions are very likely. If it were done willfully (that is, with knowledge that the donation was illegal) then it could result in prison time. I would think that the fines are at least a very real possibility.
From “that era”? This is a current model!
Don’t worry, if they lose the appeal they can take this to the Supreme Court where I’m sure it will receive a completely unbiased ruling.
It’s really sad to see that yet another one of Stormy Daniels’ encounters with Trump ends with a disappointing climax.
Low-education right-wingers insist that Warren received some kind of affirmative action bonus, be it via college admission or faculty promotion. She never did, but nothing will stop them from claiming she did, so this entire exercise is really pretty pointless.
We explained it all in the comments to this article: https://splinternews.com/i-really-dont-get-why-elizabeth-warren-did-a-dna-test-t-1829751082
OTOH, facts are *never* a bad thing. I don’t care how pants-on-head stupid they get, that’s something civil society can’t lose.
DannyNoonan is the sad sack, barely-literate motherfucker the American Internet deserves.
Warren only ever brought up her Native American ancestry to underline how deep her family roots go back in American history. Having ancestors six to ten generations back breeding with the natives does show her family has been part of the crazy American quilt for quite a while.
Conservatives only believe in the accuracy of DNA when it’s used to put black people in prison.
Oh, how I pray this happens to me. Having the legit, legal grounds to windmill a corrupt US Senator committing a robbery is too delicious for words.
These Republican members are really starting to break down and resort to physical violence when they’re confronted about the bad things they’ve done. People should be afraid that this is happening, a normal politician shouldn’t throw a big fit and try to get violent. This is the behavior that a dictatorship has. This…
$500 and up is felony theft in GA. Of course, good ol’ boys take care of their own so I doubt the police will do anything.