
Percentage wise it happens more to black men. More whites are killed by cops on a yearly basis than blacks though.

One time a black guy killed my neighbor. Now I am wary around black guys.

You are a racist. It’s too late. You are probably going to hell.

Sounds like somebody wants a cookie? Do you want a cookie? Shut up you fucking hick. Nobody cares.

Even white people are cautious around cops. If you aren’t afraid of cops when you see them, then you are stupid.

How many stories about white people getting killed by cops have you heard about this year?

It didn’t work.

What the fuck are you whining about? Are you outraged? Did you get your fix for the day?

The only reason this is being addressed is because it is on video. Academia is still a cesspit of double standards and everyone knows it.

Liberals are the new fascists. Absolutely disgusting people. They are even worse than conservatives.

Your friends are fucking stupid. Why would you hang out with idiots like that?

Not only is Dr. Click awful looking. She is an absolutely horrible person.

Holy fucking shit! You actually think conservatives control universities. You have to be the most stupid person on the planet.

Ha! Here it is everyone. This is how you are suppose to feel.

Holy Shit! You are fucking insane.

What voting rights were taken away from minorities? This is insane. You need medication. Abortion is not going anywhere. Access might be limited slightly, but it’s never going to be illegal. Get a grip.

Are your panties in a bunch all the time? I bet you don’t have many friends.

Just deny it ever happened. Nice. You are a good person.

This person isn’t a hero. This person is a moron.

Is this a joke? You made extremely fucking dumb decisions and then blame the Clintons. I hate them as much as the next guy, but you are way off base blaming them for your stupidity.