
“wow, so you’re basically saying that all of these African American members of the Congressional Black Caucus pac are bought off dirty political prostitutes. Interesting.”

Hillary is a fat cow, it’s not like she is any better looking than Bernie. I would say there is gender equality now.

I’m sure you are always right.

She is lucky the whole Benghazi incident covered up her bigger fuck ups which are Libya and Syria. Don’t forget about the Honduras coup. It’s sad to see so many people support a war criminal.

I thought she doesn’t give a fuck about anything though?

It was me. I’m the 1%er who did this. You people crack me up.

Somebody sounds like they want a cookie. Do you want a cookie?

Too funny. I would be sad if Jezebel got rid of this moron.

Beyonce is whiter than my ass.

You got to remember that Jezebel is the home of Anna Merlan. Not exactly a credible source on anything really.

That is a sad job. Their parents must be proud.

No one is reacting to this. Gawker is.

I almost forgot I need to kill an unarmed black person today. Thanks for reminding me.

Wow. You must be very privileged. Lot’s of poor people would be happy with Red Lobster.

That book is awful.

No one fucking cares about this. I haven’t heard one person in real life mention this. It’s bogus.

This is the only place I have heard of this controversy. Gawker is lame.