Raoul Gonzo

Cop impersonates an ice agent. And the immigrant fucks him up?

We are in the Upside Down.

New Mexican here. Carlsbad Caverns, Santa Fe, and Taos bring in more visitors than anything in North Dakota.

An arc Noah didn’t appreciate.

Especially since it’s taking that big ass fish back to the water to brag and show off to the whole bunch of others. Cold blooded.

It’s gonna be legal and it’s gonna be damn near free. I have already cut my prices very much down from where they were. Weed has had no inflation since like the 90s! It doesn’t pay to sell weed man but it does give you lots of weed also... silver lining.

4. Has Ben Affleck ever met an autistic person?

Most people I know would be thrilled to get a letter from the President elect.

I live 4 hours outside of Manhattan and have a beautiful 4 bedroom house I purchased for $189,000 a couple years back. The commute sucks, but fuck it, you’re only 47 once.

I guess that also explains why Drake and Steph are about half as freaked out as Chappelle.

It was flagged for leading with the helmet.

there’s a guy outside who says he needs to be in here

“See you later savages”???

Those are the little nut candies in the gold foil, right?

If they follow kinja deals, they can get some Anker products which are on sale 100% of the time, just an idea.

16. Did the man raping you suffer a season-ending injury three minutes into the rape?

Yeah, he kind of gave the wrong answer to the question which is how this whole mess got started. Instead of answering “CBD oil”, he should have answered “fuck you, that’s what’s in the vape”

“Robbed by judges” seems like a step up from the usual Irish complaint, “fucked by destiny.”

Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.

How many do you think he put up himself?